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The windswept crackle of Jehovahs machinery
Honey sweet greenery with trolling titmouse
sentries , white contrails drawn onto blue canopy and
brown leaf melodies
Woodpecker percussionist tap the song of dusk
Songs of the rusty red clover valley
and golden sagebrush
Psalms of cardinal chatter and brown thrasher cackle
Bronze raptors circling sun -streaked hillsides flushed
in crepe myrtle , yellowbell and azalea
Where the purveyors of creation live , thrive and belong*...
Copyright May 16 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A glance across the wild berry field
Wherein structure and nurture lie ,
hungry eyes filled by quiet normalcy
Independent thought untested , anxiety
bare rested , Mourning Dove and songbird
of every shape , color and form
At peace* ......
Copyright July 14 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Lantern flies descending from Water Oak canopies , hopeful Thrushes cry for Heavens hidden stellary
A seemingly placid pond becomes Molasses , quivers and grows eerie in wavering moonshine , Whippoorwills relay songs of the Creek Indian nighttime
Katydids , Field Crickets and Barn Owls fill Magnolia , Wilkerson Mill promenades , Shellcracker disquiet the countryside with topwater
explosions of hunger and predation* ...
Copyright May 30 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Sit back children listen something simply amazing.
True miracles are rare, but this is one thing that's  a fact,
When you are an psalms person , Christ shall protect you.
Just as he did for David his Faithful son and servant.
Or even Peter whom Herod lock up and Angel rescue him.
David Wilkerson was a modern one that he had protected.
He has done so for me as well many times he has saved me.
For God Faithfulness is renown today, yesterday, and forever.
For there are many just like Daniel of the bible whom seen his deliverance many times.
Leaves crunch beneath our postman's feet
Fussy songbirds slowly advance up Wilkerson
The familiar and the new , cedar greens and
beautiful sky of blue
Majestic pecan , centurion oaks
Hopscotch squares chalked on a lazy road
Where people still blow car horns and wave
Where church bells and courthouse clocks
measure the day* ..
Copyright December 22 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
In the beginning IFÅ hovered upon KA & ORIENTED DIVINATORY said let VIRTUOUS INCANTATORY come forth this is the eternal everlasting forever ÎS ẞÔ CØŒL °³ SMĪLË
{Dà Hū Ageless}
Before Human's Already Conform His Angels

Born on 1st day
Citadel-Iféd Town-Crier Christ on 2nd day
Eco-³citern-Mermaid Perculiar prince on 3rd day
Pyramidfied Royal Çhíef Priest on 4th day

Axumified Limelite Angæl Cháīrmen on 5th day
Oróse on the 6th day
Aigunm³ñ on the 7th day

Archangel On the 8th day
Dhrama-Seastar-Freemasonry illuminating-Apple the 9th day
  on the 10th day
This is the Calculated -
This is the Calculated
balance posited sacred stable order°•

Æ leader
All Lawed room

Åi-Rare-Ka. Fine-Arreal.
Ædis "Abba" token
Is-So-Goad-Over-here °³Cox

Alianated NerdyGeek {12}
 Sun-Moon-Rainbow Mõrnïng ẞtær
LÆD DÂ Agēlēßß {&0}•

Is so Cold {The Book}
Is so Cool  {°Life}
Is sow Coal  {Hū Rules}
Is so Code {Spirited-Water}
He So Gold {Conscience}
Is'o-kòol  Eth-man {Line-age}
Is so Good {Blooded-word}
The force of Natural in control Design-Desire {AdamHū}
Free will of Being {Pure-Intention}
Is a Goal "Humble" {Paul}

One for Natural
Two for Mortal
Three for Anthem
Four for Kingdom
Five for Monarch
Six for A Town Beersheba {Kush}
Seven for Immortal Advisory {Ur-Babylone}
Eight for Councilors {Kement}
Nine for Sign & Symbol {Hella's}
Ten for Wealthy-name {A good innerman Inheritance}

• Athmosphriended Edé'n -Ageless.
•Brimestone Galaxies -Age.
•Earth Dusted -Age.
•Clay -Age.
•Stone -Age.
•Bronze -Age.
•Snow-Icey Exposure -Age.
•Jet -Age.
•6666 - Hidden-Edge
•³ Èl eh air eth heirs "Arrow ~ err" hair star °matory age
(Brilliant Genius Distinctive Excellence)•

Èl'ífà  {0}Æír
Elì-hū ßtær {12}🕯️Burnt ßtàble Órder
Elía- dā{33}
3l'i {Prīēßt} Jah'Cell

Çøsmoßis {0} Outérßpac
Thùt-Law {12} Ra°³
***-moses {33}
Òrì-mī-Law {Prophèt} FÆRGOD

Hū-Law {0} Cloúd  
Cørn-Dust {12} Humanbeíng
Adam-Hū {33}
Īgbø-døA1z0 {Ēvangelīßt} FÆRGOD
ÅDAM-HÙ PAÚL {80}Fāther

Bàba Ede'n-Holy {0}Líghtníng
Joseph  {12} ßtær Sun-Moon
Nor-Noāh {33} Raīnbow
Nòne Nīll  {Apóßtle}

Paul Washer {Gadarine-Gathering}
Cater Colon {Pastorial}
David Wilkerson {33}
E.A Johnston {Sént Assembly}
John Piper {Few Choosen}
Tommy-Tenny {Ka'Cord}
St.Anthony Líj-Āyō-Íre-Dá
{Divínity Dèíty}

A child is born
a son is given
a begotten Hū -mån
a Brided-Groom {Entitlementory Completetory}
Dà Holy spirit
the Most high {Nubia en Paradise}
a Comforting  Naturalitory Line-age
an Athmos-phriended-Willed

Fore °Vi-sure-Living-Stream
³Strain_Leaf Sightseer
open the door to explore
Shore breathe 🌬️
your innerman Vision en dream

What is this lodging en people strangeth
Yonded walketh but never see
Looking as the screen doest changeth
Æ Crystal Method Ooh-logic

Just to returneth to calmer times
Would maketh mine own journey pleasanted Karma

Taketh me back to time more sane
Calculatory corded

explore all that is seen
challenge the unseen

nothing is out of reach
absorb don't teach

don't set limit to existence
Lose resistance!
in your persistent Live
Ra Goal 🙂

Ēl'Lord Ēl'God Ēl'Fâthēr æ
TO A Ēl'Læder

I can help in closing ......
They're will be a victory march in heaven

....I love you Jesus

-David Wilkerson

— The End —