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Your whitelight flashes the frost to-night
Moon of the purple and silent west.
Remember me one of your lovers of dreams.
Aaron Amrich Feb 2013
all battles ceasing
during evening's frosty glare,
heaving into jet-black,
kinetic light marred night open.
"outgoing, probably.."
questions raising soldiers tickingheartbeat
until voracious whitelight xplains.
yesterday, zeal and blood caromed, deadly,
erratic, for...god...
hours. i just keep
learning more nightmares
surviving things under
vicious weather,
xcept yule's zest
****** christmases.
Qualyxian Quest Apr 2021
The man with moonlight in his hand
Has nothing there at all
The priest is surely right
Don Quixote Wetheral

But the view is whitelight glowing
Radiates my soul
I rest and keep unknowing
Don't think. Just look. Behold!

The heavens hallow holy
The church. The grass. The deer.
When I die, grassy knolly
Whisper in her ear:

               Aqui. Aqui.
        He loved you hear.

— The End —