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Kimberly Clemens May 2013
I wonder where raindrops come from before they reach my window,
A river? Lake? Ocean?
I wonder how far they have to travel before they reach my window,
A kilometer? Mile? Country?
I wonder if these raindrops work together to sing as they reach my window,
Plop-plop, ploop, plop-ploop!
I wonder how diverse the raindrops are as they reach my window,
Oh hello, I'm from Lake Ontario.
I wonder if it's a wild party or wet war in the clouds whose raindrops reach my window,
Let's dance! Fight me!
I wonder how social raindrops are that reach my window,
Stick to me, we'll become a downpour!
I wonder if the cloud is the mother that lets go of its children to reach my window,
Off to the lake, ma, see you soon!
I wonder if raindrops thought they could fly but instead reached my window,
I wonder if they all fall but expect to soar as they reached my window....

Plop-plop, ploop-plop, plop, ploop, plop, plop....
Steven Hutchison Mar 2012
orange like beeeee
careful beeeeee
cautious beeeeeee
irrationally aware
of the world around you

red like tooooo
night toooooo
stop tooooooo
hesitant when the moment
calls for action

blue like weeeee
were weeeeee
aren't weeeeeee
are drowning
in oceanic air
Ben Stoneking Aug 2010
Why are you so tired now?
Do the scary kids keep you up at night?
Do they slither back into your skull and whimper there sing-song soul slash sounds.
Why are you so frightened now?
When you know that those things at night are nothing close to real?
When you still can't see them but you know they are right there watching you,
and you want them to go away.

Those times at night when you **** awake.
You here the echos of sounds bouncing inside, outside and round your head.
They drive you mad, even when they are just one benign sound, scratching away inside your brain.
The rhythm by which they so carefully destroy your well being.
A four-four time scheme that will drive you insane.
another poem with music. please leave comments and subscribe if you like it.
Ryan Dub May 2014
Kate W Feb 2012
I have this inescapable question mark stamped right on my forehead.

of glaring honesty.

I feel that it is so obvious and etched into my being
that everyone I encounter can see it
and that I have to coat it with whipped cream and bubbles.

As if I am a children's Birthday party.



**** it.

— The End —