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Johnnie Woods Aug 2018
There are five widely known senses.
Sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste.
We've got some minor ones as well, such as balance, temperature and many more.
However, people fail to realise that there's also the sixth major sense. Thoughts themselves.

   If we look closely, all these five senses have the same base. Specified cells in eye react to energy of light, cells of ear recieve energy in form of air's vibrations, skin cells pick up energy of mechanical changes, and so tasting and hearing depend on translation of certain substances' chemical energy.
   These cells in different organs differ in their structure and the way they appear, however, if we stop looking at them in such small scale, we can see that ALL of the cells or organs responsible for any sense translate the energy.
   So, a light enters the eye, certain wavelenght of certain energy stimulates the eye's rod or cone cells with a certain intensity. Then the energy of light is translated to energy of electrical impulse, which goes straight to the brain, creating the sensation of sight.
   If it comes to smell, a certain particle enters the nose, binds to a smell receptor cell, and the chemical energy of this particle is, again, translated to energy of electrical impulse, which goes straight to the brain, creating the sensation of smell.

   Now, let's move to the crucial part. The sense of thoughts.
   During the creation of thought, pathways in our brain that collect memories(and many more known or unknown pathways) connect. First, there's this spark of electricity, that moves all along the neuron and releases a dose of neurotransmitters(amount of different NTs is equiavlent to strength of this spark, basically resulting in "creating" various thoughts).
Then, chemical energy of NEUROTRANSMITTER is translated to energy of electrical impulse, which happens in the brain, creating the sensation of thought.
   Therefore the 'sense of thoughts' reacts to and is stimulated by neurotransmitters themselves, with receptors on neurons' membrane being receptors of the stimulus. So, kind of like smell, the stimulus is chemical, compared to sight, where it's electromagnetic wave; anyways the result in all of these is electric impulse in neurons (hence the idea of "thoughts" as a sense, due to the same basic layout; transfer of energy).
   The 'smell particle' connects to receptor and is translated to a certain amount of neurotransmitters/certain strenght of neuronal impulse. SO, again, we can see that when the first outer layer of this communication is cut off, we're left only with the neurotransmitters and impulses themselves. Anyway, the transduction of energy remains.

   If it comes to "sense of thoughts" the receptor lies within us, whereas in sight or smell or touch it's external. However, does it matter if it's on the surface of skin or under it if it all comes down to neurons of our brain?
   When you lie in a dark, silent room, without any external stimuli, you still retain your thoughts, colorful, vivid or complex. All the magic of the brain - still happens. So, how isn't it a separate, full-fledged sense?
KT Jun 2015
To the end of the road,
glittered by streetlamps
each of a different wavelenght,
you said we should go.
To the end and over the fence,
where the glitter is no more,
where the lights are seen from far,
where the lights are merged with the stary sky.
On the darkened grass, yet silver from the moon,
you said we should go,
where we are around it all
and not the other way around.
Where we can choose the path of the stars,
you pushed me down on the ground,
and I heard you giggle,
oh, that indescribably pleasent  sound.
Arun C May 2015
Spin around
sing a sound
golden light breaks
into bright blue
blue goes back to black
and from black
white is born
once again
a wheel or a wavelenght
a frequency or a factor
modulate my manifastations
and control my apparitions
paint my world bright
create such a sight
so here we go
again and again
around and around
see the world in full Technicolor
but remember to factor in
the color of love
Ian Sharkfish Nov 2014
They say some people touch us in a way that no other can,
that they are somehow fine-tuned to our wavelenght and
that they live on the same street, the same theater and the same play,
and that the best things in life happen when we touch them the same way.

When we met that's exactly what I felt with you,
and I'd like to believe that I touched you too.
That I was not one to graze your skin and leave only a scar,
but rather one to caress your night sky and ignite a new star.

That one week we shared
driving, planning,
golfing, talking,
swimming, laughing,
eating, sleeping
caressing and loving,

all the breakfasts, lunches, dinners and coffee stops,
good throws, bad throws, laughs, looks, kisses and hugs

all the moments we shared, the low lows and the high highs
those are the things that made the last summer the best in my life

After that week I could not control my emotions,
I found myself in the deep end.
What's done is done, as you like to say
but I'm glad I did not pretend

to not have those feelings, instead I revealed them.
No regrets, I'm just sad that things went wrong for us then.

I think of you now, and I see a friend I have lost connection with.
A friend I wanted to get to know better, and whom with
I wished to share witty banter and laughter and joy and fun,
whom with I could've stolen a few more days in the sun.

There are no delusions left because things are not like they were before.
So I'd like to be your friend now.
(unless of course the day comes when you wish me to be more.)

- - -

There is, however, one thing I need you to know.
I can never get over you if getting over you means not loving you.
I choose not to.

I choose to love You as a woman and a friend, with all my heart, always.

Come meet me halfway, and we can still find our way
we can still be as light as the summer air on our skin
as warm as the sunlight on our faces

and as happy
as the smiles on our lips

— The End —