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Cassis Myrtille Jul 2013
My lovely girl
Behind that mask of yours
are you really that person who
writes to cut
" chop chop chop"
are you really that girl who sheds tears at night?
and sleep open-eyed

When I see you
I sense a spark of inspiration in me
to be a better person
But behind that mask of yours...

I don't know anything anymore velohomme
You were someone I 've always wanted to be
The girl full of smiles
Odd jokes
but in your poems that
You don't seem
to be that girl I've known all along
You seem to be a girl
Who sheds her tears in the dark
Let the blood pour out of her open wounds
Worry about the problems that I've never
Imagined that you had

You seem
With your own emotions

You don't seem to know why you are happy
or why you are
You sit in that corner of the classroom
Sleep with a peace that I've never known or seen it
In anyone else
Yet in your poetry
It is filled with
Dark meaning
And sheer terror

My lovely girl
Behind that mask of yours
are you really that person?
Just Anna Sep 2013
Dear velohomme,

I know you probably hate me for doing all this
for forcing you and everything
I know why you used that quote
you don't want to be seen as a 'freak'
But you aren't my dear,
you are my friend, my very best friend
and I know you are scared how everyone might view you
and honestly you are perfectly normal and everything
aside from those 3 brothers
but you must understand that they deprive you of sleep
you dearly need
those tears that fall. you are scared. You have written.

You are amazing in every way
but if there is something wrong
and you need help
I hope you reach out your hand to receive it

There is nothing wrong with a little help
I honestly don't mind being the bad guy
I mean, you can hate me
want to **** me
slap me
throw something at me

but if at the end of the day
everything falls into place
and you get better
though you may not agree.

It would be worth it
I wish I could tell you there is nothing wrong
but maybe sometimes there is
and we all need a little fixing
maybe its just society
I would love to agree that there is nothing wrong
but maybe there is
neither of us wants to admit it

by this time you are probably bursting
with anger and hurt
and maybe other emotions

I just want to let you know
that even if you won't talk to me anymore
even if you don't want to see me
I don't regret it.
I just don't want to keep closing my eyes
thinking its all okay
My mind has been clouded.

Well just to comfort you
I won't be doing anything or telling anybody soon
Just God.
Because its him who does the magic right?
He's the one with the fairy dust.

I'll leave it all up to him
It's not up to me, or you or anyone
it's up to him.

And tonight,
I really hope he answers my prayers
because wishing on 11 11 is *******
wishing on stars and believing about stardust magic
is *******

I've been neglecting him a bit
and I'm ashamed and sorry
But I trust that he'll save you lil' sis

He'll be by your side whenever you fall
in the dead of night
whenever you call and please don't fight
these hands that are holding you.

God's hands are holding you
Cassis Myrtille Jul 2013
I wish I could help
But I don't know how to

— The End —