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Jeremy Duff Jun 2015

Two bodies,
in a bed,
on a quilt in a field,
in the backseat of an '88 Nissan Pathfinder.

Two bodies,

pooling under the skin,
rushing to the brain,
rushing to the genitals,

****** candy,
the curve of lips around a lollipop,
the drinking of whiskey from the bottle,
the burning sensation of MDMA insufflation.

Clothes strewn across your mother's kitchen,
ice cubes traced down spines, *******, *******.
Oral *** with ice cubes in the mouth.

Frequent ******* and a sense of unwellbeing, if you'll allow me this one usage of an unword (I can't help myself)
David DeMille May 2016
At the time the words seemed right
And might of been then
but now
they don't

Regret isn't something that binds me down
So once I open my mouth
And let the sounds out
They're on their own
A traveling ***
Jumping from train to train
But these jump from ear to ear
Whether or not you choose to hear

The letters I've thrown together were beautiful
Only in my head
And if words could ****
Maybe I've saved some lives
By holding them inside
A self sacrifice
Because they're eating me alive.

— The End —