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I got my horse her name is tilly,
what a rough rider my little filly,
when I give her lovin she tells me back with shovin,
when we start ridin I lead her to the side in,
Round bout the barrel swift like a carol,
when she starts racing I cant hear her pacing,
along with her feet i can feal the rythm and chase her to the beet
I'd never use a whip she lissons to my hip,
she can be craazy I gotta hold grip she can be lazy I gotta give her lip.
Fly over jumps streak through the creek,
Don't over run even when fun she'll feal weak and turn the other cheek.
Now were done I say she's number one,
end of our session we both learn a lesson,
head to the barn to untack give her  grain her favorite snack.
and brush her main cause I'm her master Take her back out to the pasture ,
with other horses
there all at play It's dinner time I'll get your hay.
Kath Kane Sep 2019
Left on the side of the road,
Nowhere to go,
I swear you wanted me to.
A blow to the face,
A broken nose,
A black eye,
An apology.
A sign of respect.
That was the day I realized you loved me.
When you could have killed me but stopped.
A sign of respect.

I always remember that day not for you trying to end my life but for you deciding not to.
I thanked you.

Four months later and we are back at it again.
I am driving,
I thank god this time and not you. I thank him that I am the one driving and in control. Not you.  
But even in full power,
You find a way to steal my freedom and obtain total dominance.
You never give up in wanting me to give up,
But you do eventually leave.
First you untack your safety net,
And then you gave in with your want for cold blood ******.
I loved those parts of you.
Signs of respect.

The day you really did leave,
Safety net and all,
I watched you out my window,
Thanking you under my breath.
Your last act of sin still leaves a mark around my neck.
I thank god again. Not you.
I thank him that the seat belt locked in my 1993 Buick.
A sign of respect.
A letter to my first car.

— The End —