fall down in new town and break down while unbound laughing while melting and smiling making no sound finding things hidden and riding things unridden while taken long lost unbidden but leftovers are long given from raiders undriven and nonlooking foes unsmitten burning the smithies with weeds so pity the trade and grade of long lost givings and unlearnt ideas melting down in the smithing because clothes so ripping cause morality dipping and effort slipping and real gifts ungifting
There’s a writer on the block Inspiration’s on vacation Gone on tour with culture shock Desperately seeking a situation Far from the incessant ticking clock
Words are flowing like glue Sniffed but so unwritten The scent of inspiration flew Southwards and unsmitten By paucity’s shallow written hue
Heavy as leaden thought can be The vacant empty page Stares blank in mirrors at me The mocking unwrit rage A parallel universe in a vacant sea
A world of solid silent inertia Invades the imagination And dulls the poetic drama Each page gauged in vexation Such a perfect portrait of a tabula rasa
The origami of crushed paper A testament to frustration And a tsunami of written failure Mocks the myth of imagination Reducing it to an unremembered feature
And then the keyboard sweetly sings The ink is beautiful flowing time While the percussive alphabet rings The wine soaked harmonies of rhyme Sweetening the song that poetry always brings.
Like it dislike it … it is what it is If written unsmitten all fate in the wind Rising or falling the mixture the same True joy in the baking —whose icing remains