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Jolene Perron Sep 2010
I could feel your presence,
behind my back.
Can you feel the esteem,
I surely lack?

My walls are breaking,
crumbling down.
You look at me,
with a mile deep frown.

This is what I feared,
I knew this would happen.
I reach for your hand,
my heart slowly blackens.

I can feel the bricks,
as they all come loose.
Unintentionaly you tie the rope,
tight in a noose.

It's pulling tighter, tighter,
as the song goes on.
The tears come down,
the emotions won.

I can feel it fall,
slowly down my cheek.
I'm silently crying,
you can't hear me weep.

I wonder if you feel it,
the subtle little pull.
That ache in my heart,
I want to let you know ...

My best friend beside me,
on the other side.
Squeezes my hand tightly,
she knows that I am crying.

But still I try silence,
and the song slowly goes on.
The emotions getting harder to fight,
this time they have won.

I've tried not to show,
you or her my hurt.
But the tears slowly fall,
they're landing on my shirt.

When it's time to get up,
in a circle we sway together.
I see you two toegether,
your arm draped around her.

It doesn't matter who I'm with,
doesn't matter what I say.
You'll always have a piece,
of my heart that aches always.

She comes to say she's sorry,
but what more can she do?
It's always gonna hurt,
because I truely loved you.

Those feelings fade,
but don't really go away.
They just get easier to bare,
but remain there always.

As I fall in love,
deep with someone knew.
There's always part of my heart,
that will be set on you.

Seeing you with her,
one of my best friends.
It pulls that noose tighter,
getting hard to breathe again.

I escape as fast as possible,
getting as far as I can away.
Never thought I'd want to leave,
but what more can I say?

I dart down the street,
sobs coming out loud.
My heart coming out of my chest,
oh so hard it pounds.

When I finally reach my steps,
I fall flat on my face.
I curl up on the bottom,
"Let me leave this place..."
RobbieG Nov 2021
Our bodies the sky 
the various constellations 
unique to our personal history
Mapped out precisely 
identified by scars 
laid out unintentionaly 
Amidst all memories 
the good, bad and ugly 
happy to horrorscopes 
Bound by gravity
as we walk this earth 
for all to be exposed 
24/7 we see these wonders 
wether day or night 
unlike the stars that shine 
Only noticeable to ourselves 
or the ones we trust to share
our story with, our bodies 
Heaven and Hell 
our scars beauty and pain 
on our bodies like stars 
I'm trying to forget it's so hard and painful that I admit. It's like trying to remember a dream I feel so green. I can't get rid of this feeling wheres the healer I need emotional healing.
I guess I have to start afresh and go back to the beginning and get the meaning of this. I'm like a man stuck at sea trying to forget what he is about to see my soul itches like it got fleas. Forget is defined as to cease remembering unintentionaly lose memory. No matter how hard I try I guess the memory creeps  in.
I wish I was an amnesiac to an extent I could forget myself. I try to forget but I can't it haunts me day and night dreamland is the only place I can design and alter my own world. Dear designer give me an opportunity to be the architecture

— The End —