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Isabel Jan 2013
there are a lot of words that begin with un
most of them ****

unlucky unloved uninvited unaccepted unachieved unacknowledged uncomfortable  unadmired unheard

but there is one word that starts with those two letters
that can make things all better

Nat Lipstadt Aug 2015
*bathed by breezes of southern gentility,
sun soaped by eye-prickling,
star twinkling glints,
shampooed in delicious waves
of white sno caps,
my crazy wild hair,
conditioned by the foaming bay's riffles

dappled waters transformed into a
Van Gogh glow of
The Sower
sprinkling golden seed
upon fields of summer wheat glorious

my little yellow rubber duckies,
are now blue white snow geese alive,
down from Nova Scotia,
where August is already
emboldened colden,
so they non-stop honk
tho mere passerbys,
everybody is seeking a place in history,
the surety,
that this poem,
by their inclusion herein,
promises posterity

the grass blades wave with
endless swaying applause,
at yet another attempt of poetic tribute,
for once more,
spell bound
by the bounty of the moment,
enslaved happily to the idea
there is no satiation possible
from the earthly satisfaction of this place,
this sheltered isle

the leaves are cappuccino frothy performers,
unison shaking just like a roman legion of stadium fans,
they offer me untold numbers of
likes and reads,
and other candied goodies,
promises endless to root for my winter dream teams,
if their presence is here
prominently included,
until they too
fall silent, grounded,
shed by their rightful owners

every time I think the well is dry,
swept under by a rip tide
of drowning overwhelming gratitude,
for here I come to a place.
a station for repair,
where poems are bandied about,
summer fruits ripe for plucking

sunroom lace, summer curtains,
will hide out here in my absence,
the lace, turns into snowflakes crystalline,
by icy waters and gusts,
that will be both
untrodden and unadmired

for when the poet is clad in the
damask drapes of winter's inevitability,
will close his eyes and
will hide out here,
right here,
in this one of his never ending
prior~poem~prayers homages,
until next year's
can't-come- too-early spring arrives,
sparked by tendrils of meeting markers,
noting that
new poems have been fallow fallen,
winter seeded,
awaiting your
watering and writing,
of the appreciation
of the
simple majesty
of this small corner of the earth
Shelter Island
August 15, 2015
julia denham Apr 2013
Number: 2. Undiscovered
                3. Untamed
                 4. Untitled
                  5. Unamed
                   6. Unapproving
                    7. Unexplained
                     8. Untouched
                       9. Unchanged
                      10. Unharmed
                        11. Unchained
                         12. Unaccepted
                          13. Unaquainted
                           14. Unadmired
                             15. Unadaptable
                                1. un*desired
Harmony Sapphire Feb 2015
The evil eye sees.
Blindness is not how to be.
Disrespected, envied, or hated.
Alone I waited.
Safe in solitude at "home".
Inside is better & quiet.
I dislike noise.
Temperature has to be just right.
The air & the water.
Not too hot or cold.
Conflictions is not what I am after.
Controversy is not what I am about.
I wish you not to speakth my name.
To return from where you came.
I wish to remain the same.
Despite the past to blame.
To be as I were.
Self known & home grown.
Like a **** from a planted seed.
Texted & not phoned.
Censored online & not followed.
Never corner me or you will void what's hollow.
A nobody & nameless.
With my own face but fameless.
Unadmired & unreachable.
Installed now & later.
Doing what matters.
Unvoted & gathered.
I will try to keep my opinions & thoughts to myself.
To be a private person.
Unknown & unpopular the way it has always been.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved

— The End —