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Tyler Nicholas Jan 2014
I see a girl
jumping from the Big Dipper
onto the object to which
the action of the sea is directed.

She takes flight,
with the boldness of a Willow Ptarmigan,
and soars high above
Palmer and Seward and the bowl of Anchorage.

She lands atop the snowy slopes
of Denali and carves her way down
into the withered trees of Ghost Forest.

She swims among the Aleutian Islands,
floats on the waves of the Turnagain Arm,
and basks in the waters of the Gastineau Channel.

I see a girl
whose eyes sparkle brighter
than Klondike gold,
and whose voice whispers more beautifully
than the wind that blows
through the great land of Alyeska.
for E.
ymmiJ Apr 2019
brown water waving
showing turbulence beneath
my vision, clouded
arctic inlets can be unwelcoming at times
ymmiJ Aug 2019
belugas stopped by
bobbing down Turnagain Arm
marsh mellows swimming

— The End —