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brandon nagley Aug 2015
Tropica, botanica of poetry's heaven,
Tropica, santonica that groweth so free;
Let thy pen jot down and stroke the cloud's

Tropica, a basilica awaiteth thine thought's
I knoweth thou art down, lonesome and depressed
But so many careth for thy heart's pain and loss........

Tropica, friend of mine, sun that Shine's
Let the day for thee be anewed, paint the world blue
As thy tear's turneth from cloud's to rainbow's bright and loud;

Tropica, hepatica growing wildly and untamed, knoweth ourn creator is near, do not fear, nor dread, thine head's lingo is as beautification on display.

Tropica, let thy poetic melodica sing it's angelic sound, wherein when thou doth feeleth down, knoweth thou shalt always hath a friend in me, as god wilt guideth thee, in the fire and freeze.......

Tropica, art thou now smiling (:::::::::::::

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Tropica cheer up dedication/friendship dedication
A dear poet on here is down and depressed and needs someone to listen to her as I want to but am putting aside me own depression to help her out try to cheer her up with this poem lol hope you like it miss tropica...
Here are words some might not understand in here
Botanica- is like a shop that sells flowers or spiritual things...
Santonica- is a flower head or flowers period I learned (;:
hepatica is something that looks like a daisy white and purple ones...
Melodica- is like a keyboard like harmonics thing lol musical instrument !!! Enjoy
anu Oct 2015
A Year ago, in the same date
As A Stranger I entered this beautiful Garden Hp
A Beautiful flower (Elsa) drags me with her pure heart
Wise words (from wolf, Sir Poet,Jack, etc.) kept me to know the life’s secret
Sweet buds (Smiriti, Aarvie,) enjoys me with their great writes
Love Birds (Brandon &jane;) echoes me their beautiful rhythms
My Beautiful Bros (ryn, Joe, pradip,spt, Mufiq) supports me and admires with their strong writes
My Sweet sisters (Donna, pax, nimah, Vicki) fills my heart with their pure poems
All my new friends (Eddie, patty, gray l, tropica, wepping willow, Mysterious , Jimmy, its gona make sense, packin heat ,Poetry journal,Dark n beautiful, Wilson, Rose, James, Margaux, Asim, etc) gave me beautiful space and spirits..
Being a part of this beautiful family, felt proud and happy. I take this day to thank all my family who supports me and hears me. My sincere thanks to all.(might missed someone. Thanks to them too.)
I miss many beutiful poets especially my aka (elsa)..
Sorry missed some important members who constantly support me
(Ignetious Hosina,Gutham,HB,Thomas A Robinson)
brandon nagley Sep 2015

(DedPoet-aka-Ernesto L. Gonzales)
May god bless thee mine friend, man of honor, Heavensent;
Thy soul, may it be in peace, God's love cover's thee west to east.


A poet of otherworldly mind, poetic of new aged times;
Dont let thy depression over cometh thy soul, be unbound, whole.


a dear writer of inspiration, let thy writing be navigation; spread thine hope to foreign places, with love friend.


Poetess of aficionado tenderness, splendidness guideth thee;
A poet of human qualities, an artist for love's recipe in all form.


(Darlene Chavez)
Let thy darkness turneth into light, let the night turn to day;
Be not shackled to Misery's way's,, but knoweth God's with thee.


(Sara Murray)
A fan of the strange, a taste that hast meaning, caring and giving;
Reality mixed with dreaming, word's golden, gleaming to aloft.


(Sally A Bayan)
From the terra firma of mine queen, the most thoughtful, delightful being, an aura that screameth of all holiness aisle's.


A native light, of old day's flame's, a bright tunnel beyond the pain's, a pathway to other places where faces art spiritual.


(damsel in distress)
A woman of talented word's, like Herb's, elixered and pictured;
Snapshot's art taken from thine view, with all sight in old truth.


(Dreams of Sepia)
Writing of mysterious writing's. Though honest, inviting;
Exciting in thy new day's pages, anger love and saved for us all.


A woman like an auntie to me, a woman of generation's who helpeth the blind to none god seeith, as thou art a friend!!!!


(SE Reimer)
Man of many technique's, giving hope and beauties when we art weak, thy word's speaketh of medicinal purposes for all to seek.


Writing short lines. Beyond mankind; thine artwork is fine;
Making other's look again, rewind, thine design's art heaven.


(Melissa S)
A mother from the place of alabama, with southern charm;
Writing southern song's, of southern scar's,, as well as smile's.


(Poetic Thoughts)
Thou lover of books, a enthusiastic being of singing;
Keepeth on with thy work's, let the earth shake on thy poetry.


(Eddie Starr Poetry)
Let Christ continueth to work in thine life, showeth love as he taught, and forgiveness; thou shalt soon findeth thy wife!!!


(Paul Gaffney)
A gentleman who liketh simple poetry, that hit's thee best;
A way of relieving stress is writing down daily thought's, great!!


(Rosalind Heather Alexander)
Overcometh those whom leaveth thee due to thy faith;
There missing out on truth and God's grace, continueth in love!!!


(IvyB **)
A woman who knoweth pain, keepeth faith in trial rain's;
Keepeth held high, the mist is only a short period, as angel's wait.


Creature of sadness, in a world of madness, making sense of living; let lighting seraph's be thy giving, look aloft to hope.


(Joseph Paris)
A man of many duo's, Chicago street walker, rebel era, man of many poetic mirror's, let thy beautiful reflection dance the city.


Thy word's of hurt and screaming, of hope and dreaming;
Is Alive in all ourn spirit's, trust thy creator, let the light near it.


Poetry is thy vital force, poetry is thy life porch;
Thou art not so lonely as thou doth thinkest friend, we all careth.


(SG Holter)
A man of blossoming stanza's, lines of manna;
Holy old detail's, word's of holy grail highness.


Digging through the deepest thought's creating poetry;
Spread thy gospel, plant thy seed's, and let them spread around.


(Dawn S)
Also new to this site, welcome; spread thy foregone scripture's;
Like ancient Picasso picture's, thine painting's art priceless.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Dedication poem \part 2 new one...

(Ann M Johnson)
Woman, thine talk is unknown to many, giving all, leaving many in wonder and awe, continue to god and keepeth thy faith.


Thou calleth thy poetry beautiful ramblings in thy word's;
To all thy work is special, speaking it, it's heard dearest poetess.


Bringing on a form of poetry we yearn, love and turn's;
To place's not seen, not dreamed, as thou giveth me a Smile.


(Kenneth Irving MacPherson)
A designer master, a crafter of this life and ever after;
Writing of the definition of living, this to thee is mine giving.


(DaRk IcE)
A soul, bright, a delight to man and god, to cherub's with rod's;
Let not thine hopelessness turneth to dusk, looketh up, high !!!


Friend from the beginning, we've laughed, had trending's;
The world's not yet ending, so let's continueth in the Lord's work.


(Derek Devereaux Smith)
A mystery cometh from thy Lip's, like juice to mine tip's;
A succulent wording thou hath given me, making me lively.


(Chris Smith Dark Poet Soul)
Writer of horror, and man's worst fear, bringeth the lightbulb near; as relate any being canst do with thee mine poe like friend.
Jack Energy Apr 2018
Right now I am parting the fan-like branches of several large plants at one side of the lobby

I woke up totally refreshed and I'm pretending to be the kid-in-a-coconut-shell-tiger-costume

Running, clanking, sneaking

Across the room I see a guy down from down the hall

He looks like Clark Kent, only with sunken cheeks from the lack of many teeth

He is looking up from his morning paper and coffee

He is wearing an ice-frosted glass derby

He says it alleviates his toothache pain

As I move toward the back of the Hotel I pass through a small hallway to the right of the office window

As I open a back door the sun, vibrant plant life and ocean mist   roll into me like a warm grizzly cub

There is not much of a crowd here today

I am enjoying the silence

Looking out across the well manicured lawn

Then orange sun into the orange behind my eyelids' morning, on and on...

— The End —