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Anna May 2018
the bottle seemed ordinary enough
plastic, white, innocent

but I when I looked away
I could hear its contents whispering

softly at first


my eyes bored harder into my hands
why are they shaking

they heard us
Louder this time


A single drop of weakness falls into my palm

They scream like the tourted souls in hell


Finally my wet eyes meet the bottle

I read as if I didn't already know
Liquid Morphine

The voices become a single whisper


Suddenly everything is clear

Commands the voices

I obey

if only I was in wonderland
Leano Feb 29
Tourted artists by the thoughts that lay deep inside
He wonders why he can't die and leave the world
Behind cause he feels so empty and cold
In a world that stabbed him in the back and left him bruised
And wondering what was it all for nothing he does
Helps him find relief and escape as he tries to stay alive
In a house filled with abuse, neglect, lies, and deceit
He looks for the courage to take the easy way out but
Escape he can't as joy may lay on the other side of pain

— The End —