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Sand Aug 2013
Tomato tomahto
Potato potahto --
Wear you accent
Like a badge of courage,
There's no shame in,
Nourishing your roots.
Joseph Macias Sep 2013
Here we go again, this feels like a mystery, I'm inside of you, but I just can't read you, feeling like a crazy game, but this isn't Sorry, I know you see me try a lot, I know you do a lot, but for some reason we can't get together in the same slot, I'm hungrier then I've ever been, thirsty poets write as though they got nothing from with in, rhyming like tomato, tomahto, in need of a rhyming dictionary, save me from this misery, I'm the realist **** ever, I dare you to compete with me, trust me, I saw your arrival, but its time to go, you're about to go suicidal, let's end this with a goodbye and never say hello
Olivia Oct 2014
Write down your story.
Feel the first wind of the year
But don’t let it knock you over.
Always bring a jacket,
You never know how cold someone can make you feel
Over tip your server (repeatedly)
Too many people never learned how to calculate 20 percent
Demand respect for your intelligence
Believing your stupid
Let’s people believe you’re stupid
And that process of thought…
Is just stupid.
You are the smartest person I’ve ever met.
Call your mom every day
And if she’s some place
Your smart phone can’t reach
Use your hands and voice
For prayer is powerful.
Someone will always pronounce it “tomahto”
Let them.
Joseph Macias Sep 2016
Here we go again, this feels like a mystery, I'm inside of you, but I just can't read you, feeling like a crazy game, but this isn't Sorry, I know you see me try a lot, I know you do a lot, but for some reason we can't get together in the same slot, I'm hungrier then I've ever been, thirsty poets write as though they got nothing from with in, rhyming like tomato, tomahto, in need of a rhyming dictionary, save me from the misery, I'm the realist **** ever, I dare you to compete with me, trust me, I saw your arrival, but its time to go, you're about to go suicidal, let's end this with a goodbye and never say hello

— The End —