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Sometimes I ponder...
why clothes mannequins have *******,
why regular sized food doesn't taste as good as nibbles.
why having had braces makes me dribble,
more than I did before

Why would Dr. Oz tell me to stay tuned,
until after the ad break,
if he wants me to do more exercise?
I ponder this in my fat pants...

Maybe I don't fear the unknown,
as much as the next guy,
the insignificant life forms we are,
why do we care so much?

Bobby D isn't satisfied with any answers,
the meaning of life just doesn't add up.
Perhaps I can trust him,
he hasn't given up yet...

Since I can't stroke my long beard of wonders,
I pat my cat and stare thoughfully into the distance,
except my mind is blank and full of nothingness.

I lick the fatty goodness from the french fries off my fingers.
"Don't listen to them" says my conscience,
"Conforming gets you nowhere".

— The End —