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These eyes and emotion play tricks on me and where my time is devoted the things we see are temporarely outta focus the emotions we feel put our actions into motion we all want a purpose in life so i had no other choice but to give myself to christ. I mean we all have a choice and choose the way we want live our life's. Everyday day is not a good day but i believe everyday were blessed. We choose to let certain things bother us so what im saying is you choose to stress. We can lay it all on god shoulder's and let our faith do the rest. Ive turned my complaints into prayer and the stress eventually tapered. His promises are true see i may come a certain way but dont look at my ways and the way i behave because God is still working in me so even though im flawed i will still follow his way. Purpose driven life but dont go off of everything your told be patient with god and wait for his dreams for you to unfold! Guard your heart but dont let your love run cold  this soul has a price but i refuse to let it be sold.  He doesnt have to buy my soul because by him it is already owned.
Zkrt Nov 2018
Indirect conact,
Meeting up,

My anger boiling,
Lost it the moment I saw

You filled a void temporarely
Leaving me wanting

— The End —