Darkness reigns as night falls,
the sounds change hushed now,
secrets from the day reveal themselves,
pinpricks of starlight attract the eye.
Movement in the periphery,
disappears when looked for,
imagined creatures and demons,
move along with the actual evil.
Silence, a blanket covering,
ripped open by the coyotes,
their howls create a flight response,
though they are further away than they sound.
Campfire light flares,
sending the night oozing for shadows,
the flickering fire creating it's own
dancing creatures, just outside the ring of light.
Gravel crunches on the road,
as headlight eyes peer ahead,
disappearing around the curve,
leaving red lights and wondering who is roaming the night.
Glowing eyes appear,
tapetum reflections of gold,
jack rabbit ears raise,
as it skirts the fire light.
I close my eyes and drift to sleep,
tent fly open to the sky,
when my eyes open again,
the sun greets me with morning.