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Chimera melons Sep 2013
Artificial means and memes the fingers perusing naturally formed hide and go seek
Chic creatures wrought from nanoparticles based on modeled consciousness neural networks
A handsome hivemind of bee;s building trees from cds ...intersynth polygons attracted
to stack platonic forms emanation waves alpha beta delta gamma omega 1 , 2 ,3
this multiversal layering from micro to macro of matter animated by its intoned
hertz pulsations and the interferrence pattern of the changing relationship due to the amount, frequency,  force, temperature , texture , text messages, timing , geometry , subharmonics and overtones,  a jewel net . syncronistic synergetic, synaptical sparkles.
Obadiah Grey Sep 2010
Cerebral woman,,,,,,,,,,, 'I'm a judge jail Mee

she's a technicoloured melodrama
fringed in pink
a loony tune character
penned in indian ink,
she's positive and poignant  
blessed with perfect poise
my snake wrangling lady-
she's one o' the boys.
she's a synaptical **** siren
and rather refined
a whoreatical kinda woman;
that ***** with my mind,
she's passionate and pendulous
immersed in deep thought
my minds mary's monster
my cerebral - consort,

alan nettleton.
Jerry Desbrow Oct 2013
The trapeze artist without
encased within a paper weight,
reading through eye
glasses crafted for readers
astigmatic use.
This is the mind set...... this is the end truth.......
Being is embryonic,
to become, to the pupal larva,
a new becoming, Life.

Quantum leaps often end in tragedy
               when the time traveler ceases to travel
                         The sudden stop!
Rapid communication......synaptic calibration......recall all yesterdays.
blind intellect               one tenth of one second         15 seconds
The dimensions split and the bicameral mind appears two lobes
right and left, inverted vision adjusted for
mythic fusion,
creating abstracted convolutions
answering to them self. A planet in a galaxy of confusion.


Imagination finding place in the new electronic
institution, man made synaptical illustrations
from pixilated madness.
We take from
illogical extension of our existence that makes some sense.
We make it such
that it becomes
the most told lie
we believe without questioning.
Till death we do part.


As I inhale looking at my last past, well
in any case the past is where I just wrote past the last time
like now PAST.
Rationalization is overrated, intellectual *******
is for the cools, and catatonic haze is a new wave drug.
It is early in a new society's evolution.....
It is late in the face of time......
ergo quantum quandary quid pro quo

Ajerry / copyright

**I am not sure what the meaning of explicit means to a poet. It does not contain X rated language or sexually explicit acts. Ajanon/ Jerry**

— The End —