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Salmabanu Hatim Sep 2018
Kerbala I weep bitterly still,
Thousands in numbers for a meagre few to ****,
For the injustice meted out 1400 years ago,
To enforce allegiance  and satisfy their ego
Kerbala I weep bitterly still,
For the innocent who had done no ill,
Where Hussain stood against injustice and oppression,
Against undue aggression.
Kerbala I weep bitterly still,
Tears of blood my eyes fill,
Where Hussain's seventy-two kinsmen were slain on the scorching sand,
Hardships and cruelties they were ready to withstand,
Denied food and water for three days,
Ready to die in Allah's ways.
Kerbala I weep bitterly still,
My tears continue to spill,
When I listen to the orator,
How Hussain's six month son was denied water,
Instead pierced to death with a three headed arrow,
Which a father from the neck had to withdraw.
How Hussain's brother's hands
were severed and he was killed because he took water from R.Euphrates in a *** for his niece,
A brother who emanated love and peace.
How they battered to death  Hussain's eighteen year old son, an exact resemblance of Prophet Muhammed(SAW),
Prime in his youth,a great sorrow
Kerbala I weep bitterly still,
My tears continue to spill
How Hussain was slain,
On the scorching sand,
Without food and water,
With 999 wounds,blood splurting
out of all parts of his body, to be slaughtered,
Forty thousand army raining arrows at him from all directions,
Blood blurring his vision
He, Hussain alone, unable to move a limb,
A target to satisfy their whims
Some threw stones, some pierced spears and others wounded him with axes,
The leader kicked Hussain and tried to slaughter his neck with a blunt knife,
Not that way, you cannot take my life,
And Hussain said,"Let me prostrate before Allah and pray for forgiveness for my people,
Wounded and feeble,
With an inner strength Hussain heaved himself and gave the last Sajda(prostation),
The enemy severed off his head from his body without hesitation.
Hussain kept his promise to his grandfather to sacrifice his head for Islam,
That day the skies, earth and nature wept bitterly for Hussain(Alai Salam).
Who would not?
The tragedy of Kerbala would evoke deep grief even in the heedless.
The martyrdom of Imam Hussain was the worst tragedy on Earth.A mere 72 among which an infant, a child of 11years ,a youth , an aged of 90 years against an army of 40000 who got pleasure in annihilating  Hussain and his followers.
It’s been coming out all ends,
Erupting in crucial ways.
Squirting, splurting everyday.
You’re a sick ****!
You ******* bell end!
brandon nagley May 2015
How do I find her?
How shall I bind her, where the bars are not most important.
How shall I make our fortress, out of mortar? Or sticks?

How do I get her? I haven't met her, yet cringe on the search..
Maby a letter, this soul in UPS, packaged, sealed, hurt..
Maby become in spirit form to take her every view?

A clown I will searching for such one! Where art thou? The waves? The moon? The sun? What , tis this is not fun! Sneaky one you!!

Bags of rubies,an old time mule I've traveled many deserts,
For this brains overworked, no pay to be nostalgia, indulgent memorabilia!

Where's the one with the old Victorian dress, where flowers plan her guests, at the inviting all one all come wedding? I'm feeling damped and sweaty...

Where's her hair to waddle me as a child, where babies can roam a hundred miles, and still not get lost!!! For what's the cost? Oh man at the lovers gate!

No luminous mire to litigate, just blind head scratching and debate to whence I got lost! Rows of moss sell lies, and memorizing theory!!

Lucid I want to find one, as two children in the reciprocal playground, no rancor, no diverting of splurting in drone like manner!!

Just a simple banner I hold high reading......

Mi amour' gate # 9

— The End —