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I wasn't born and raised,
I was spawned from hate.
I spend all my days,
In this sick morbid state,
and my distorted brain just can't coordinate...

Cause I have recurring painful nightmares everytime I close my eyes,
In my own hellish inferno yet it feels cold as ice.
Cause of my broken mind,
and easily
I seem to be
Always alone inside...

Living with depression every step that I takes a battleground,
With the voices in my head always trying to talk me down.
and my mind seems mentally
With the demons i got inside o' me,
I should go to church to get the excerising i need...

Just trying not to drown in the lifestream...

I spend every day,
feeling like a castaway.
Hoping I stay afloat in my very own brainwaves...

Now painstakingly,
I stay inbetween,
The sound barrier so you cant hear me scream,
and i don't need any one of you to intervene...

With the problems that I need to get my mind through,
Paranoia, self doubting,
People shouting,
"It's behind you"
Like its some sort of pantomime,
Lifes not a beach they're just the sands of time,
Trying to see the truth and yet i'm standing blind...

All i feel is pane but its the window that im searching for,
Though it'll shatter all the same, i'm just waiting for the curtain call...
Semi-draft. just want to see what people think for now.
Arik Fletcher Jan 2012
Incomplete right from the start,
An empty space within each heart,
Two souls without some vital part,
Forever doomed to live apart.

Two shadows drifting through the years,
Both changing shapes and shifting gears,
Without true love to ease their fears,
Alone and lost inside their tears.

Until one day the story changed,
The pages turned and rearranged,
No longer were their hearts estranged,
Joined through these vows they have exchanged.

Complete at last and truly whole,
Two lives combined within each soul,
Their paths now shared in one patrol,
True love at last in their control.
JDK Dec 2014
Her feline inspired lines are amongst the best,
but she's still a cat lady, nonetheless.

A hermit's heart may weigh lighter than the feather,
but he's spent all his days longing for something better.

The lonely are often alone by choice -
that's the way it seems to me, at least.
I'll take to writing and forgo my voice;
plan it out while I walk down lonesome streets.

— The End —