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Anna Jan 2017
med spids mund skærer *** små skiver af sure citroner
hælder en håndfuld af dem i et højt glas
og sipper let til hendes vand
"jeg synes bare det smager friskt," siger *** galant og *** trommer med fingrene på bordpladen, nipper til en müslibar
bilder sig selv ind at den intetsigende vand, smager godt
en iskold dåsecola med et sugerør er i den grad fortrukket
og en kebab med ekstra dress til at mætte sulten
men ikke mere
for det er altså nu
det er nu *** skal vise slanke, lange ben og enn fast røv
slentre ned af gangene, trække blikke
vide at mens drengene vil have hende
vil pigerne bare være hende
det er nu *** skal trække let på skuldrene og sige "jeg har bare højt stofskifte" når veninderne ivrigt spørger og spørger hvordan har du en så flot krop?
det er nu at der altid er cigaretter og stimerol i tasken,
for det der kan ryges, tygges og spyttes ud kan aldrig ende på lårene
det er altså nu at et bad om onsdagen
ikke er lig med et bad af tårer
det er nu at fremmede 1g piger på instagram
vil anmode om at følge hende for at se hvem pigen fra 3g det er, som drengene synes er så lækker
det er nu, siger *** til sig selv, og løber lidt mere på løbebåndet
lige nu
for i hendes øjne
er der langt fra kebab og cola
til skønhed og lange ben
og der skal ske noget
og det skal være *lige nu
første post i 2017, lidt sørgelig men god at tygge på
B J Clement Jun 2014
Where was I now, oh I remember, I had outstayed my welcome at Shotton,
"There have been too many complaints, the local farmer had had enough."
"Enough of what" I frowned, surely he couldn't mean me! "Anyway, I have had enough of this place, we are moving South, to a place called Sunbury on Thames, he smiled. "Your mum has your Christmas present, be extra good or you won't get any present at all." The weeks seemed to drag by, Dad had been ill and things had been delayed. Things were moving at last. Dad had bought a double fronted shop, It had been a ladies hairdressers., called Georgina's, it was done out in attractive pink tiles. My brother Jim grinned. "We'r in the pink, at last."  My dad's machines took up a lot of room, we had a sewing machine, a stitching machine , a blake stitching machine , a finishing machine, a cutter ,a skiver, a stretcher, a work bench with two pivot's, and a shelf below with a complete set of iron lasts, from tiny toddlers size up to the largest Policeman's boot. That's a little joke, nearly.  "When we get busy you will have to help, I'll show you how to make shoes, you can start by doing repairs, there is a lot to learn, I expect you to dig in." He frowned. "I can't believe I said that."
K G Aug 2015
The air forced us inside
Waved us in the air like a new kite
We asked for a new life
The colours raised to our limbs making us shiver and skiver
Remembering our wish, we stood like statues
We depend on you, not to make a mistake again
We wanted new friends
Not just to blend, We depend on you
I know for a fact you can do better
You must improve your chances to show
We went over to the cave and ate, buying our time so we can combine with mankind
The sky's shook with unkind signs
We almost thought illusions began to form
An intrusion of blue lighting struck us violently
We were cloaked
We were soaked
We were in a pond next to a community of people
The wizard had fulfilled his room for improvement
Laura Amstutz May 2018
vær stille pas
på du ikke vækker dine minder
bliver så forvirret
når virkeligheden ikke lever
op til mine forventninger
i lag som
agurk i skiver / agurkeskiver
tag spørgsmål med på mandag
dit ego
- ikke længere delikat
hvad er enheden af
tid / spænding / undertryk(+t)
af omgivelserne de afspejler fataliteten
patetisk fejlslutning
fugtigt øje - kind - mund           mund
for meget salt pas på hjertet
det fungerer ikke halvt
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
When I heard someone
refer to the baker as a
loafer, I was quick to
remind him that Pascal
was up before the rooster
every day, that he had his
first batch of bread on the
shelves by 6:30 am Winter
and Summer which to me
is not the sign of a skiver
and furthermore, sir, it be
no harm if you took a slice
out of his pan, " Fritterer ".
Ryan O'Leary Aug 2024

Overcrowding, would ya
look at it, the Milky Way,
far too many stars, bet
ya half of them are from
some other galaxy just
milking our solar system.

Take the moon, now that’s
a one, come day go day, now
you see it now you don’t.

Where does our light go, when
the darkness comes, tell me!

The sea is another skiver offer
high tide low tide Spring tide,
no tide, but that will be a lake.

And the earth does day trips
around it’s axis and once a
year a trip to the back of the sun.

The seasons seem to come
and go as they please but
they deciduously dump their
foliage all over the place.

Birds are economic migrants
pure and simple, especially
those ******* Swallows, did
you know that they have more
nests than one and they leave
their dropping’s everywhere.

Fortunately we’re on an island
or we’d be inundated with the
Transhumances every year
coming here for easy pickings.

****** excursionists the lot of
them, I think there should be a
wall constructed at the equator.

PETA are like all those government
agencies finding accommodation
for these strays when we should
be constructing kennels for our own.

Pest control I say, not passport
control and God knows what diseases
they’ve bringing into the country, is
there anyone checking, we are rabies
free, or should I say, we were!

These animals could have anything,
but what’s more concerning, is that
they’re mating with the native species.
Ryan O'Leary Jul 2024
Mixed Metaphor suitable
for Irish racists.

Overcrowding, would ya
look at it, the constellation,
far too many stars, bet
ya half of them are from
some other galaxy just
milking our solar system.

Take the moon, now that’s
a one, come day go day, now
you see it now you don’t.

Where does our light go, when
the darkness comes, tell me!

The sea is another skiver offer
high tide low tide Spring tide,
no tide, but that will be a lake.

The earth does day trips
around it’s axis and once a
year a trip to the back of the sun.

The seasons seem to come
and go as they please but
they deciduously dump their
foliage all over the place.

Birds are economic migrants
pure and simple, especially
those ******* Swallows, did
you know that they have more
nests than one and they leave
their dropping’s everywhere.

Fortunately we’re on an island
or we’d be inundated with the
Transhumances every year
coming here for easy pickings.

****** excursionists the lot of
them, I think there should be a
wall constructed at the equator.

PETA are like all those government
agencies finding accommodation
for these strays when we should
be constructing kennels for our own.

Pest control I say, not passport
control and God knows what diseases
they’re bringing into the country, is
there anyone checking, we are rabies
free, or should I say, we were!

These animals could have anything,
but what’s more concerning, is that
they’re mating with the native species.

— The End —