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SirDlova Nov 2014
In life, there are things that we aren't meant to see
And what ears shouldn't hear
I used to hear screams and shouts while I was in my room
It sounded like they were coming from outside
But one day my curious mind sent my eyes to my home kitchen, red floor but we were out of Tomato sauce
My moms head was on the floor, my step dad was fixing his belt.

In the morning she asked me "what did you see"
I said Nothing
The following day was my day, he gave me claps,boots on my lips were my daily kisses
I've had enough!

"Dear: Mama, I had to do it, after he beat you,and you still with him.I realy had to do this, he said if I ever tell you what he did to me  he would **** you, since im gone, im sure you still alive. I love you :-) "

(The paper was damp of his tears, and that was the last time we heard from him 10 year old.
#Found hanging on a rope in his room)
#Facebook #Akhona Skhalazo Dlova
SirDlova Mar 2014
Its disgusting..
How we see the future being stoped and skipped.
Life is no Dvd player
Whether you poor,rich,fat or slender,
Its life that we talking about
There's no restart or backspace.
If you not ready to be a mother
Nor a father,play safe
You always have a choice
Some say its free
I say its up to you.

Who are you?
To **** an innocent soul.
Is God you?
He or she wasn't the cause of whatever you going through!
Its a child for heaven sake
You eat stake
And ask "what's for desert"
Because you know its ***
Now face the consequences
Man up,and face your responsibilities

My heart aches when I see posters in streets written "One day Pain,SAFE ABORTION"
They even have guts to write it in capital letters
Where is the love?
I always look above
And say "Lord forgive them,they do not know what they are doing"
"Call Dr.Naidoo on 08ABORTION"
Do you call that normal?
Well educated people call it abnormal.

You shout Vote,vote,vote!
Its election time now,I won't vote no Cope
Until this stops!
Who will vote when you allow Doctors and fake Doctors to **** our sons and daughters?

Buphi ubuntu?
SirDlova Mar 2014
I was about to give up,
To tell my heart to slow down,
To not pump.
Cause my heart was lonely,that it couldn't beat alone.
Silent phone,no one to call me.
Untill I found you
Yes you
Your heart did not neglect me
Your smile shined upon me
Your love did not hide from me  
By the time your eyes met my eyes
My heart iced,I sow the light
Its been dark for a while now
You showed up,like the sunrise
I was blind,but I see now

You said hearts beat
Mine beats for you
I said I love you
You said "I love you too"
I asked my self "is it true"
If I'm dreaming,don't wake me up
Cause you showed me that you love me true.
Not false,I'm column A and you B
What will I be?
Without you
When I snezze
You say bless you
I'm already blessed,cause when I found you,I wasn't lucky..I Got Blessed!

They say never say never
I jus said never
And I'll never live you.
I'm yours,only yours,I'm with you.
And that's better.
I'll never let go
That I promise.
We may fight,cry,scream..still,I'll never let go.
Snow or no snow,I'm with you
You may grow old and walk slow,I won't let go.

I love you..because I love you
I love you for you,not for who you are,
Not for who I am..But for who we will be together! And that's Family :-)..Call me Goku and you Chichi
Love exist..Open your eyes
SirDlova Jan 2015
I hate school, but I love education
Sitting on that desk facing a projector
Class dismissed, tommorow she will ask me some questions
Not that I mind, but it's my mind that we are talking about
I still have to do my Personnel Training presentation on this same day
And I'm writting a test on friday
Sometimes I just feel like taking my school bag and go home and study by my self untill the exam days
My current President left school at the age of 10 years old
No Grade 3, No matric, No degree
Are we yet free?
Some of us do not need to go to school to be successful
Success is not an ocean
That we can all enter
You fail, they say "i'ts not the end of the world"
Say's who? They must be God
Bill Gates never finished school
Oprah never finished school
Can you please define the word "School"for me
Because my definition for "School" is "BullIsh"

School is the Prison of the future leaders! #Just saying it like it is..
SirDlova Mar 2014
I've wrote you love notes
We called our self titanic,the unsinkable boat
So together magnatic
But now we sinking
Well I've been thinking
Since you and I are no more
Don't think I'm weak,I'm strong
When you see my face I know you will act sick but I'm stil strong like neil amstrong riding 1000 km from east to west
Jesus walks ask kanye west
Now its my time
I don't hv time to rhyme,like sun I'm jus gona light and shine
I'm jus gona say what's on my mind
I ddnt love u from the 1st time
No iddnt use u,I chose u
Coz you were there when I cryd
But never there when I smiled
She was..yes I've been cheating but let's not call it that,I know its my bad call it loving
You,I didn't love u,I jus liked u
The way you cared even though you were faking it
The way you loved even thought u were making it
Tel me I'm bluffing
I was blind to see
Deaf to hear
The lies about you loving me
Now I'm jus gona stare,and watch u faking it to another man
Shame on him but to me,deuces!
Its called bruises after love
*** after using no gloves
Players play eachother..don't hate the player,hate the game
SirDlova Nov 2014
Lonely streets, no footprints
As the silence was too loud
The world was not proud
Carbon monoxide searching for oxygen
Looking side to side
No more of it.

Lonely streets, no footprints
No sound of Kids playing,
Dark clouds
No Pastor, no praying
Silent sea, no waves
No one to swim, today.
Is the World no more?
Empty prisons, are prisoners free?
Lonely sky, no birds to fly
The show is over for the Lord to watch, Oww I know that feeling
The question is, will he press Replay, Stop or Next?
SirDlova Jan 2015
I still remember
When her lips met mine
My eyes were closed, I cant say much
If lips had clients she would be my only member
I can still taste her supper,
Mixed emotions that denied her lover,
She thought us making love would be a mistake.
Yes we used protection,
But her heart had no gloves.
Usher's "Good kisser" playing on the background,
Is this love?
Or is it just another love cycle that goes around and round.
She started kissing me again.
Soft lips that you'd sware her's had bluetooth, and the device of my private part was paired to her's,
That it sent a message to my mind, toes and hand.
Couldn't stop touching
My lips were shocked, licking an un-sold ice cream.
It was a kiss of life

A kiss that brought Cape Town and PE together
A man and a woman together
They say red bull gives you wings
And she gives me many things, one of them is a kiss of life!
SirDlova Apr 2014
Its funny how love can quickly fade away.
Last week,she passed by your house and you greet,
You talked,got to know each other and you made her laugh.
You said you love her and she said "I love you too"

Was it true?
Or was she only replying since you left her with no choice?
Listen to her voice when she says "I don't ever wanna lose you,I am nothing without you"

Its another week but she sends a text saying "its over".
Now its like a game when u've lost and there's that Big "GAME OVER!!"

And she would sing along with beyonce and say "you must not know about me,I can have another you in a minute,matter of a fact he'll be here in a minute,don't you ever for a second get to think that you are irreplaceable"

We claim to learn from our mistakes
Though we keep on repeating them

Ask your self this: Why is there a divorce? but we said "in sickness and in health,till death do us apart"?

Even my elders have not answered me yet

There is no word such as Forever!
Trust no one but yourself and in God.

Never say Forever!
F#@k Love
SirDlova Mar 2014
You claim that you love me but you only making me your fool
You said I'm forever yours but all you meant was for aslong as you can
Lying to people and say we ok won't make you cool
Let's call it off before anyone gets hurt
I'm already hurt but I won't show
I'm always alone no one to hold
Whether its raining,sunny or cold
My heart is cold as a snow
My lips are dry,kiss has turned to an allergy for me
My trust,love and care are no were to be found
Will I ever love again?I don't think so
Not as far as I know
Women are nothing but...women
They don't care
Most of them
All they care about is their make ups and glamorous look,tell me is that fair?
While I'm busy loving her with all my heart
She's busy braking other peoples heart
But its fine..I'm strong
If I cud ever see her again I would jus say "I loved you"..but that's past tense
I love u! I stil do
But hurting my self won't make u love me like I do..its over I guess
I wish u nothing else but success
No bruises
Please..take care xoxox
SirDlova Mar 2014
I was walking and talking,alone,busy texting on my phone,until I got stopped by this random guy,I thought he wanted to rob me until he said "can I ask you something?"..if you could hear the sound of my heart beating like the drums beaten by a crazy rock star not far jus next to you,never the less I said yes you can..he asked me "can you please define the word Mother,for me"..I had a picture of my mom inside my mind that I couldn't hide I said ay..ahhm..ok,its a women,a she,the person who delivers,the one who cares and shares bed stories and laughter,the one who carried you and me for nine months.And I stoped,when I blinked,and he was gone..and I was left with the word got me thinking,maybe it is time for me to thank my mother for raising me till now,with no I went home with a smile on my face :) I was just going to tell my mom how much I love her and thank her for everything,but when I got home my granny was crying,my lil brother laying,I was still smilling.I asked my self 'what's happening?',granny asked me nicely to sit down..I did,nd I asked her where's my mother,she replied with her deep voice "with God..with God..with God"..tear drops started falling from my beautiful brown eyes wich I took from my mom..and granny said she left u a note..she gave it to me but before I opened it she said let's pray,by the time she was sayn "lord almighty" only got to me that she's reli gone..while she was praying I opened was written..Dear:Akhona I love you..the paper was damp of her tears..that was only wat she wrote..if u still have a mother,nor a father..tell them you love them before its too late,thank them before it gets so late,don't hate but love,don't fake ur love..I love u

Love Akhona
Story of my life(Novel)
SirDlova Mar 2014
No chapter
Its just page one
There's no Pastor
I'm the only one
No genesis,Mathew or Marko
Straight forward hair style like johnny bravo
I won't preach I'll just say what's on my mind
No time to hide
The truth or your self
Who said in heaven its white
Don't get me wrong I'm not racist
Who said in hell there's fire
Who said there's no fire fighters?
I wasn't born by mistake
I'm God
But you won't believe me
Cause I knew you before you were born
Don't believe what other people tell you
Close your eyes,and let your heart pump the questions
Listen to the beat of the truth

The answer is within you!
A Sunday is a normal day
SirDlova Mar 2014
Cupid where are you?

You pointed an arrow into my heart and hit me straight to it,but you missed hers.
Its like you took a knife and stabbed me into pieces,does she even miss me?
Love is no more

The bible says: knock,they shall open
Ask,they shall give.
Where is all of that in this life we live.
Can't you see we are dreaming
Well I've been thinking
Why can't we all be single
Cause Love is no more.

Are you willing to get hurt for a guy that will leave you for another woman
Or are you willing to lose your wife to a guy that cleans your garden.
What happened to the dreams we had of growing old together
Having a baby girl that we gona name Hazel
What happened to the dreams of buying and big house and I know you don't like leather,you allergic to Nut,your favourite colour is Red
You scared of the dark
****..I thought you cared
But you really gave up on everything we had
I guess this is thee End

Love is no more..
SirDlova Mar 2014
When you love someone
You don't Believe the lies you hear about them
You don't bother asking
Because you believe that if you had to know anything,God would have showed you and gave you the way

Let me put it this way
Yes I'm not perfect,I'm not mr right
But when I love,I love.
This aint no fairytale
Stop saying "I love you" everyday
Just prove it in a way.
Show them you love them in million ways
You don't have to take them to dinner,buy them fancy clothes
If they love you,they'd love you for you

The Definition of Love:

It comes within,it blows your mind :-)
Love is that crazy little thing
That keeps on making you smile or cry
Hurt or healed
Crazy and sometimes lazy
Love is more like a tear,it grows in your eyes,go with the smile,go with the kiss and ends down on the floor

When you love someone,you really do
If she is the one,put a ring and make sure she says I do :-)
SirDlova Mar 2014
What do you do when you sad?
Do you cry all day long or do you pretend,that nothing ever happened?
Do you switch off people just because you the one that's mad?
Let's say I'm the one that made you cry so bad
I'm the one to blame for soo sorry
For what I did and what I never did and what I'll do in future
With no intentions of committing it on purpose
We all make mistakes
We all deserve a second chance of cause
U say words like "u don't deserve me,u hurt me and I hate u"
I guess that's true
But what ever that we going through,I'm sure will get over it
I do deserve u,I love you its just that maybe I'm showing it in a strange way
I'm not perfect,I'm sure I do hurt you
For that I'm sorry
I know sorry won't fix anything now
A past is a past,lets focus on tomorrow
Since we aint living a fairytale
I can't bring you the moon
I can't cross the sea
I don't have money to buy u a sports car,to show that I'm cool
But I hope one day you will see
How sorry I am
That I'd even try to cross that sea
I never meant to hurt you,that's not who I am.

Forgive me!
SirDlova Apr 2014
I've found comfort in pain
Heart brakes,tears in my vains
Head down,walking slowly
I hear laughter when telling my story
Some fill sorry
That I'm lonely

Yeah I said don't remind me that I'm lonely
Pain is part of happiness

— The End —