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Naomi Hartnell Aug 2013
Oh how you prey
beautiful huntress of the night
seducing your next fix
quenching your thirst with every bite.

Draining away their vitality
lips tarnished with crimson copper red
engorged in a ****** motion
off them you mercilessly fed.

Not fazed by winters bleak moan
nor returning home till your hungers met
Treading the starless night alone
beauty disolved in sillouete.

Naomi Hartnell
xxc Sep 2013
And the stars
And the mountains
And your breath
These are the things I will miss
These are the things I long

You lie before me
Soft skin and your calm breath
The lake reflects the moonlight
The trees shiver on the autumn air
Your sight and the window
Which one to choose?
I want to look at the cold waters,
And the sillouete of the moon
So bright,
So warm,
So soft, your skin.

But the cries
Listen closely
The moon cries
Listen to its voice
It lost the stars
It doesn't shine anymore
The clouds came to comfort it
and take it with them
To their long unstopable journey.

I don't want to  lose you
Like the moon lost the stars
I want to keep you here
In this small house of passion and warmth

— The End —