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David Nelson Jul 2010
All of a Sudden chapter 3

A large white limosine, smoking rubber, screached to a halt.
Rapid rifle and pistol fire was exiting thru the open windows
of the limo, and people all along the street, including myself
were ducking behind lamp posts, mail boxes, down alley ways.
I didn't know if the mysterious blond lady and her companion
had been able to avoid the flying bullets or not. The Limo
screeched it's tires again, and sped away down the street.
I raced over and into the building to see shattered glass, but
no one was in sight. I glanced quickly at the elevator as I
heard the ding and the doors closing. The elevator had
started it's ascent by the time I arrived. I watched the LED
numbers rise and then finally stop at the 13th floor. I pushed
the up button and the elevator began to descend. It had made
no other stops going up and appeared it would not stop
on it's return trip until it arrived at the ground floor.
The bell rang and the door slid open, when all of a sudden...

The cops were now entering the building with they're guns
drawn, and they were looking right at me. Out of shear
terror, I raised my hands as they approached. They asked
me of course who i was, and what I was doing there. They
wanted to know what I knew. For some strange reason,
I told them I knew nothing, I was just passing by, heard
the shots and ducked in here. While 2 of the cops were
questioning me, another had gone to the open and dancing
elevator door. He yelled for his buddies, I followed them.
There lying on the elavator floor was the strange man I
had seen with the mysterious blond. Blood was coming
out of his neck. He was dead alright, with this look of
sheer terror on his wrinkled face. I did not know if he had
been shot by the people in the white limo, or, crap,
I wondered if the blond had anything to do with it.
And I knew she had gotten off the elavator on the13th floor .
At least I thought she did. The cops were looking at me
again suspiciously, when out of the corner of my eye
all of a sudden ...

There she was, sneaking out a side door. How in the hell
did she do that? I thought one of the cops was going to
see her, and again I don't know why, but I stood in front
of him, blocking his view and began asking him questions.
I was already under some suspicion, and my interruption
was not very well accepted. He told me to go sit down
in one of the chairs in the reception area, and he would
be with me shortly. He had questions he wanted to ask
me. Don't leave he said, I will be there in a minute as
soon as my seargent shows up. So I found myself a
stuffed chair and sat down, running the whole scene
through my head again. When all of a sudden ...

Gomer LePoet...
it had an attitude, so very backwards
on rainy days, it was friendly
spared the splinters
on sunny days, it was angry
gave me splinters like acupuncture
minus the goal to alleviate pain
it liked to yell as I swung back and forth
screached as I pumped my feet
pumping my feet to my heartbeat
I held my breath for fear of becoming off beat
it liked to cry, especially in the morning
I gallop through the misty grass
it's tears glisten with morning sun
my favorite air is the wet kind
when a slight chill tickles your nose as you inhale
but it was also my least favorite air
it made my swing set cry
I asked mom if I could take it inside
she said it liked being outside
but she'd never seen it's tears
it had an attitude, so full of life
now, that backyard has no life
because my swing set died
vivalagaygirl Jul 2013
Three years ago, we met at a place in town.
I was shy, lost, and waiting to be found.
I gave you my whole heart,
But you threw it out to sea.
As the rough waves crashed into me
And what we were supposed to be.
I let my guard down, to let you in.
And you brightened my life, made my head spin.
We broke down barriers, disregarded the rules.
And we made sure that neither of us looked like fools.
You gave your heart to some other guy,
And pursued it since you thought you were sly.
But as the rumors spread, and became more clear,
The girl I held so close to me, wasnt so dear.
I began putting the pieces together to solve this crime,
and your ******* love ran out of time.
I clasped my fists, drove them into walls.
Determined to drain my sorrows with alcohol.
Scream until my throat screached,
Prayed on my knees to what the pastor preached.
Lost my mind, gain more fears.
Lost so much hope, as they fell like tears.
I never knew that one section of my life would be so consumed
With thoughts of negative actions, as I lay in my room.
And as I finally said goodbye, and lost all feeling.
You fished for me back, and kept the cast reeling.
I was 17, naive and stupid.
And little old me, thought I was struck by cupid.
You took my heart, and pounded it into shreads.
And when I wanted a simple explanation, you fled.
Who know something so simple would be such a chore?
Especially from someone you used to adore.
But now I'm on my own two feet, ready to see.
The future that's so bright, wild and free.
I don't need you, and your lies.
Actually, youre someone I grew to despise.
And here I am writing on this paper,
That i'm finally fine, never doing better.
Three years ago, we met at a place in town,
And I thank God everyday that you're not around.

— The End —