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Edward Coles May 2014
The dragons of Eden
Are forking their tongues
Along the silver edge of acetone rain,
Foreclosing yesterday’s shop-fronts
In favour of a clean white page.

They smoke in tailored suits,
Blackening their lungs
And toasting freedom with afternoon champagne.
They took man to the moon, they say,
And gave light to the modern age.

They tweak offshore accounts
With battery farms
Of the hardly living, and hardly human.
Forfeiting progress for profit,
They scandalise the streets in debt.

The dragons of Eden
Are flexing their arms,
They’re setting their minds from union, to fusion.
They’re alighting our memories,
But it is our choice to forget.
Rooh Nov 2017
Let not the endearment be ebbed,
By what dawn bestows among the sultry red.
The night in day’s disguise, failed to appall
Us the beauty etched in once and for all.

He convinced her of an eternity
Which fights to get past the uncertainty
That lies in the passage for both
But promises a universe parallel to save their oaths.

Let not the endearment be ebbed,
By what dawn bestows among the sultry red.
The nights in day’s disguise are failing to appall
For what their hearts held onto before the downfall.

She took him under a wisteria tree that glowed
Beneath the stars that forebode,
A darkness ahead of their ephemeral moment
That lay awaiting for footprints broken.

Let not the endearment be ebbed,
By what dawn bestows among the wintry red.
The night no longer wears a disguise
And now succeeds to tear them both and scandalise.
Some aren't meant to be.
Yenson Mar 2019
IF you ain't got no strength or courage
get the numbers, learn concealment
IF you have a small sword, learn how to use your tongue
it can reach far and wide.
IF you don't have the distinct hue that shines
get camouflage and be all things to all men
IF you don't have the intellect or statue
blame all else but yourself
If you lack confidence and self assurance
get in a crowd and blag it all the way
IF you are guilty of a crime or any wrongdoing
lie, lie, and lie again till you yourself believe your lies
IF you are fearful, insecure and inadequate
discredit, de-grade, defame and scandalise your superiors
For the weak and powerless

— The End —