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Merida Oct 2017
What have I done to bleed?
To be deprived of happiness and tranquility?
To an endless cycle of discord who will impede?
For as the days pass I grow tired of serendipity.

A shattered armor and a punctured heart
What reason is there for me to stand?
Will the time ever come that I will appreciate art?
For color to this barren land I can never demand.

As my scarlet blood is illuminated by the moon afar
Tears floweth from my eyes till there is no more.
Then I saw a beauty with her chariot of stars,
A bringer of sanguiness that brought life to my core.

O! eyes of crystalline gem
You have captivated me.
Hair of golden grapevine stem,
That flows with the zephyr’s glee.

You are the symbol of grandiose beauty.
Save me from this cavern that blinded me.
Let your radiant glow illuminate this face of me.
Hear my cries, hear my calls of misery
Save me, O goddess, and let me be.
Lekha Nath Sep 2018
You embraced me with your glitterly hands,
When all I could think about was chasing darkness.
Your spiral staircase gave me hope,
When all I could think about was falling down.
Your speech about the world outside came to my rescue,
When my mind was drowning in the ocean of pessimism.
You were a cold edifice when I stepped in at four,
And now as I leave at seventeen , you are a warm home, wrapped in a cocoon, giving me sanguiness.
The concrete beneathe our feet is like a pillar of life, that moulded us right.
I was a lump of wet mud when you took me under your wing,
I cried when I dried because it's time to say goodbye.
I was enthusiastic by the paradise
Of your wonderful aurora
And I didn't know that I would miss this wonderful aurora.
And now as the sun sets,
Our chapter sadly ends.
"Ta-Ta" for now,
"Goodbye for a while".
Until we meet again ,
On a blissful end.
-LN & KB
This is poem I co-wrote for my school magazine. Enjoy !!

— The End —