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En trenes poseídos de una pasión errante
por el carbón y el hierro que los provoca y mueve,
y en tensos aeroplanos de plumaje tajante
recorro la nación del trabajo y la nieve.
De la extensión de Rusia, de sus tiernas ventanas,
sale una voz profunda de máquinas y manos,
que indica entre mujeres: Aquí están tus hermanas,
y prorrumpe entre hombres: Estos son tus hermanos.
Basta mirar: se cubre de verdad la mirada.
Basta escuchar: retumba la sangre en las orejas.
De cada aliento sale la ardiente bocanada
de tantos corazones unidos por parejas.
Ah, compañero Stalin: de un pueblo de mendigos
has hecho un pueblo de hombres que sacuden la frente,
y la cárcel ahuyentan, y prodigan los trigos,
como a un inmenso esfuerzo le cabe: inmensamente.
De unos hombres que apenas a vivir se atrevían
con la boca amarrada y el sueño esclavizado:
de unos cuerpos que andaban, vacilaban, crujían,
una masa de férreo volumen has forjado.
Has forjado una especie de mineral sencillo,
que observa la conducta del metal más valioso,
perfecciona el motor, y señala el martillo,
la hélice, la salud, con un dedo orgulloso.
Polvo para los zares, los reales bandidos:
Rusia nevada de hambre, dolor y cautiverios.
Ayer sus hijos iban a la muerte vencidos,
hoy proclaman la vida y hunden los cementerios.
Ayer iban sus ríos derritiendo los hielos,
quemados por la sangre de los trabajadores.
Hoy descubren industrias, maquinarias, anhelos,
y cantan rodeados de fábricas y flores.
Y los ancianos lentos que llevan una huella
de zar sobre sus hombros, interrumpen el paso,
por desplumar alegres su alta barba de estrella
ante el fulgor que remoza su ocaso.
Las chozas se convierten en casas de granito.
El corazón se queda desnudo entre verdades.
Y como una visión real de lo inaudito,
brotan sobre la nada bandadas de ciudades.
La juventud de Rusia se esgrime y se agiganta
como un arma afilada por los rinocerontes.
La metalurgia suena dichosa de garganta,
y vibran los martillos de pie sobre los montes.
Con las inagotables vacas de oro yacente
que ordeñan los mineros de los montes Urales,
Rusia edifica un mundo feliz y trasparente
para los hombres llenos de impulsos fraternales.
Hoy que contra mi patria clavan sus bayonetas
legiones malparidas por una torpe entraña,
los girasoles rusos, como ciegos planetas,
hacen girar su rostro de rayos hacia España.
Aquí está Rusia entera vestida de soldado,
protegiendo a los niños que anhela la trilita
de Italia y de Alemania bajo el sueño sagrado,
y que del vientre mismo de la madre los quita.
Dormitorios de niños españoles: zarpazos
de inocencia que arrojan de Madrid, de Valencia,
a Mussolini, a ******, los dos mariconazos,
la vida que destruyen manchados de inocencia.
Frágiles dormitorios al sol de la luz clara,
sangrienta de repente y erizada de astillas.
¡Si tanto dormitorio deshecho se arrojara
sobre las dos cabezas y las cuatro mejillas!
Se arrojará, me advierte desde su tumba viva
Lenin, con pie de mármol y voz de bronce quieto,
mientras contempla inmóvil el agua constructiva
que fluye en forma humana detrás de su esqueleto.
Rusia y España, unidas como fuerzas hermanas,
fuerza serán que cierre las fauces de la guerra.
Y sólo se verá tractores y manzanas,
panes y juventud sobre la tierra.
Nicole Apr 2015
¿Por qué, por qué tiene que ser así? Esto no es correcto, no para mí.
No quiero que me digan que pruebe el “Café de Costa Rica”, los “Bombones de Colombia”, las “Arepas de Venezuela”, las “Carnes de Argentina", las “Pastas italianas”, los “Tacos mexicanos”, la “Tortilla española”, la “Comida china” o la “Pizza con el ingrediente especial de Italia”. No quiero que me digan “Esto está hecho en China” ni “¡Wao! Esto no está hecho en China, está hecho en Taiwan”. No quiero que me digan “Mira este documental de África”, “Que hermosa se ve esa foto de la Torre Eiffel” o “Que alto debe estar ese edificio de New York”. No quiero que me cuenten cómo les fue en su viaje a Europa, su jornada en California o sus problemas mientras estuvieron en Canada. No quiero que me relaten las historias aprendidas durante su tiempo en Egipto o los bailes ensayados mientras estaban en Brasil. No quiero que hablen de su críticas respecto a la cutura de India, de Guyana o de Cuba. No quiero que me describan lo exquisita que estuvo la comida en Perú, en Australia o en República Dominicana. No quiero que me muestren la música de Jamaica o la de Rusia. No quiero que me digan  o me enseñen nada, nada más. Quiero yo poder probar los alimentos en su nacionalidad. Quiero sentir el aroma del café en las mañanas durante unas vacaciones en Costa Rica y probar ese toque especial que hace que la pizza en Italia sea diferente a la que acostumbramos a ordenar. Quiero ver cómo hacen los artefactos, estar en China y luego en Taiwan, tener esa experiencia de crear algo. Quiero visitar África y tomar mi propio documental, treparme en ese gigante edificio y apreciar la hermosa vista. Quiero ser yo la que cuente mi experiencia en las calles de Europa, California o Canada. Quiero aprender historias sobre Egipto y sus magníficas esculturas, incluso quiero aprender a darzar como lo hacen en Brasil y cada movimiento perfeccionar. Quiero dar las críticas sobre mis pensamientos hacia dichas culturas, pero con respeto. Quiero describir los suculentos platos y hacer que las personas se los imaginen, de tal manera que hasta en sus paladares puedan sentirlos. Quiero  escuchar la música de Jamaica y la de Rusia y si es en vivo, aún mejor, así podré meditarla e interpretarla. Puede sonar un poco alocado y para muchos sin sentido, pero para mí es más que un simple pensamiento o cualquier capricho, son sueños y metas que a diario me propongo. Para ello hay que trabajar duro, pero desde mi niñez me enseñaron que “el que quiere puede, solo hay que perseverar para triunfar”. Sé que algún día lo voy a alcanzar y todos se sorprenderán, cuando con orgullo les relate sobre lo que un día fue “un simple  deseo internacional ”.
Europa se ha prendido, se ha incendiado:
de Rusia a Españ va, de extremo a extremo,
el incendio que lleva enarbolado,
con un furor, un ímpetu supremo.

Cabalgan sus hogueras,
trota su lumbre arrolladoramente,
arroja sus flotantes y cálidas banderas,
sus victoriosas llamas sobre el triste occidente.

Purifica, penetra en las ciudades,
alumbra, sopla, da en los rascacielos,
empuja las estatuas, muerde, aventa:
arden inmensidades
de edificios podridos como leves pañuelos,
cesa la noche, el día se acrecienta.

Cruza un gran tormenta
de aeroplanos y anhelos.
Se propaga la sombra de Lenin, se propaga,
avanza enrojecida por los hielos,
inunda estepas, salta serranías,
recoge, cierra, besa toda llaga,
aplasta las miserias y las melancolías.

Es como un sol que eclipsa las tinieblas lunares,
es como un corazón que se extiende y absorbe,
que se despliega igual que el coral de los mares
en bandadas de sangre a todo el orbe.

Es un olor que alegra los olfatos
y una canción que halla sus ecos en las minas.

España suena llena de retratos
de Lenin entre hogueras matutinas.

Bajo un diluvio de hombres extinguidos,
España se defiende
con un soldado ardiendo de toda podredumbre.
Y por los Pirineos ofendidos
alza sus llamas, sus hogueras tiende
para estrechar con Rusia los cercos de la lumbre.
El abuelo me mira desde
la foto de siempre, me mira
desde el fondo de Rusia y otras desgracias.
Desde el ghetto me mira. Dicen que
escribió una carta a Dios para
que inundara las casas de trigo,
de vino y de pan ázimo en Pascua,
y ató la carta a la pata de un pájaro
que voló de país en país buscando el cielo.
Me mira con las ojeras lentas
de quien veló el espanto. Nunca
me levantó en sus brazos. Nunca
lo tuve, nunca
me tuvo, nunca
es la palabra entre los dos. Quiso
que la verdad paseara por la calle
y la cubrió con una máscara
para que la quisieran.
Esa máscara es su rostro en la foto.
Le habrá pedido a Dios que no
borre ni escriba nada porque
todo podía ser peor. La foto
está enferma, levanta
una humareda de brazos que no se encontrarán.
Empoza su linaje,
me sigue como un perro.
Ruslan Oct 2024
You invoked Us, have mercy!
Grant a spouse, set mind at ease.
Take your spouse, but behest I give.
And obey her soul with no lending arm.

Not thus only heard spoiling spouse of yours.
Gain you now and then own rogue consort.
Rogue consort is like of a wanton sort.
Both she’s not hostile, and a mate she’s not.

***** up your courage, it’s no time to cry.
Pull your mind up, make your foes be killed.
Be not in a funk, God is with you still.
Chase away, my man, own foe with will.

Let an evil run, he must always run.
Pull your mind up and suppress the crum.
Do not spare all them, bogey to be burnt.
That is why to you I give vow next.

Burn up all of them, make your crosses burnt.
Break away your canvas, canvas break in whole.
Kick away all them not regretting force.
Kick away all them from your own house.

What for, my man, stand scratching here your head.
Go away, my man, and ball all your girls.
Go away, my man, and get lost your soul.
Yet look up, my man, do not make hast now.

Take a sit, my man, a mite on a stove.
Learn and take them in two or three, more words.
Say to me, my man: what the hell for all.
Say to me, my man: well, ******* to you.

But look ye, my man, do not get off horse.
Otherwise, my man, you blow own horse.
So, look ye, my man, take care of it.
If not you will not support any head.

But look ye, my man, if again you’ll sleep.
And all state, my man, you will blow in hip.
And you will be tramped by some sheeny guys.
And you won’t give **** at large, otherwise.

Now, my dear man, do not diss your spouse.
Just because you led to collapse state force.
Just because you led to collapse a home.
Just because you didn’t intent to stand on.

Just because you loved to have long a rest.
Just because you did not choose a bedstead.
Just because you went away to the wood.
Just because you fouled your pants under hood.

But by now, my man, wind your right horse up!
That is all, my man! no one see your cup.
Any more, my man, take a sit a bit.
After that, my man, get a lovely kick.

Now what, my man, is not grief of yours.
When you does not have your beloved horse.
Yet your own grief can be seen by you.
Any more, my man, you’re just for two.

What for you got up if there is no foe.
Why the foe is able to invade your home.
When the foe so far has been on a stove.
The foe keeps your spouse at his own cave.

Yet you cannot see her footstep that’s last.
Just because you are lonely since the past.
Just because you did not whim to stand up.
Just because you’re out getting into dorm.

It is not a grief if you don’t have horse.
Well, per contra, now there are a few mates.
And by now you have own your affairs.
Any more, my man, you will be for horse.

Any more you stay and go forward there.
Why you do not follow, you a kick will get.
Take this, nicer man, get a spare slum.
Any more, my man, you have this as well.

Come in here, do, check all things therein.
You don’t stay stone-still, do not, please, come in.
But go just this way, you can open this.
Any more, my man, you will **** at me.

****, meanwhile, my man, and smack own lips.
You are now a man, postgener, you.
You are now like this as you are that day,
Could not open up shop by any way.

Just because you’re such a *******.
Just because you’re decaying err.
Just because you did not oust a foe.
Just because you blow all things thereupon.

But at present time, you have ***** up.
Outside your window, glittering star, no doubt.
Outside your window, peer up a bit.
There is no a light on the eye with nimb.

And you have by now horns you have, no eyes.
Any more, my man, you will be for foes.
Any more, my man, you will craunch a soil.
Any more, my man, you will drink no oil.

You will drink and **** hundred times on end.
You will stand and **** when you keeping seat.
You will **** and sleep.
And for you, my man, the same things will be.

Any more, my man, you aren’t sole man.
Any more, my man, you will be noofter.
You’re, my man, by now: a fine nance!
You’re such a guy who negated us.

You’re such a guy as you really then
Could not open up shop on a solemn date.
You’re such a guy as you clearly are
A dull little ****, a wacko dull.

Just because you are a **** face carrion.
Just because you did not care, indeed.
Open up shop to nancies with hair red.
Just because your goal was in wooden end.

And by now, my man, take a sit and doss.
Take a sit a bit and tear up the foes!
Otherwise, my man, death of yours has come!
Death will come, and you do not rush to her.

For such kind of bullies, can’t be seen decease.
But for such bullies outer fate here is.
Look around, my man, take, kind man, a sit.
Fall asleep, my man, and take lovely horse!

Make your spouse got served above her eyesballs!
Make your spouse got served, let her give a know!
How of borrowed kids to get crap kicked out.
Yet be ware, my man, I am observing you.

If you, dear man, end up with your spouse.
So, she will come next to the home of yours.
So, you, dear man, take a sit flat long.
So, you, dear man, take a sit thuswise.

That is why because you are such a fool.
That is why because you not washing back.
To bang, rail her as an opposed ***.
To bang, rail her, did not please, but could.

Oh well, so be it, do not bang, you could?
****, meanwhile, my man, smack your own lips.
You are such you are, it means this is you.
You were different bringing flowers.

Brining bunch of them, awful scarlet roses.
It would better then you ***** off girls show.
It would better then you don’t ****** that *******.
It would better then you ***** off – not ******.

Just because of you, **** did not ***** off.
Just because you’ve blown all the state cleaned off.
Any more, my man, you are not so single.
Just because you are right a freak.

Just because you did not long for thereat.
To unloose the horse and bang enemy.
Yet by now, my man, take a sit and kip.
Any more, my man, or just dust, trust me.

You’re by now an *** as he is so blind.
Did not tempt to fight on the battlefield.
You were not inclined to put on that foes.
Who is holding you with your own horns.

Who bangs spouse of yours, mother of yours.
But forbear, my man, you are singular.
Just because you are simply a gemman.
Such a gentleman, to bang’s not to stand.

To bang up you all, into doss to fall.
But I can’t have slumber whilst someone to ball.
While someone here is, he feels wife be shtooped.
While someone here is someone who’s not sod.

Whilst someone to ball, they are to be banged.
And you do not have to call own horse.
Call your own horse, two, three, or four days.
And you do not have to call as he is.

Not such guy like you, he does not stand still.
He stands up for his own country, though.
He stands up alone on account of he
Doesn’t resemble you. on account of he

Does not go to wood. on account of he
Is warfarer that’s battle. on account of he’s
Eager them to bang. on account of he’s
Searching army deals. on account of he

Did not let all them. let them all come in,
To his own land. on account of he’s
For his own state. on account of he’s
For his own home. on account of he

Did not aim such life. to allow a ****,
And he pressed on him. on account of he
Stands for him as man. and such guy like he’s,
Talking then to you. He is saying that:

He’s the very same! by whom, you, all cruds, are swearing.
You are all the same, on account of he
Does not come to whom are standing still.
He stands for those who stands right for yourselves.

They are all of Him, servants among you.
Among you a slave, name of him is Rus!
More he must exist among foes of mine!
Among foes of mine, foes of own mine!

And a name of his’s Egogogova!
Egogogova, gogogogova.

Whata gogovo, no egogovo.

That’s it, gogovo, well now gogovo.

That’s gogovo, so that gogovo.

One egogovo, such egogovo.

Yes! Egogovo.

So, take rise, the state! Rus, a mother land.
Go and press a ****! foe of mine at end.
Press the foe of mine! And don’t touch their hips.
Well the name of mine! they have on the lips.

They have on the lips, just entire Allah!
And on their fronts they’ve two tops of head.
They all have two apples every their day.
And all them have three earthen seed grain.

Just because we are kids from the Serpent.
Just because we do not ask any state.
But they are all you as you are of fate.
As you are the kids of the Old Serpent.

Just because you came to My pretty home.
And all of you said and you said Me so:
Our wish in court, you are the Good Lord.
Yet I also couldn’t say to you: my sprout.

You are not! my son, do not come to me.
Go a little bit, go and take a sit.
Just because you are barely a good man.
For all deals you have just one unique dad.

Just because you were kindly shaped and formed.
Just because you are not temperated.
Just because you are showing off, that’s all.
Just because you don’t have your body old.

You got older just for some forty springs.
Just because you are balling still with ease.
Just because you are balling still with ease.
Just because you are balling still with ease.

Just because you don’t have your body old.
Just because you also are not switching off.
Well at present days you have got so old?
Or again you are balling with no holds.

For the native state, are not full of riot.
For such one girl-friend you regret.
She’d better be balled by a stinker.
She’d better be balled by your boss.

Or ****** fishing inspector.
Or a braun with a wooden jill.
But you all do not roar to him.
It’s better your **** to keep clean.

It’s better together with Islam for ours.
It’s better together for yours and for yours.
It’s easier together than jointly to prison.
I also them balled! all you in ******.

I balled all you onto the road.
When ****** wolves are balled.
When ****** crums are balled.
For pittance as ******* on three-shift basis.

For pittance piledrive the ears.
At night you do not fail from bed.
Just because you have ******.
Now all to Gestapo you want?

That’s great, get **** out from hut.
All of you by now, all are nances!
All of you now, all of you’ve been in deep ****.
In deep **** for you all will come.

Well, briefly, guys, believe or not.
All emotive Koran – check every spot.
All the same you will not have a quiet.
I will you fuss in the troop.

I will fuss all of you with no sorting.
Just because I’m boring boring.
Just because I fancy so much.
And I’ll see when I am laid low.

Resting on sofa drinking some tea.
And I would skill who hewed to me.
Well, who muddled me. I will force,
I force him to devour dirt from knee.

Thereafter I’ll get lit up, yet beastedly Rusia, hold on.
I’m leading you to warfare.
And to czars I return you in vote.
But who will not trust to all you.

I will ball him more than a snake.
I’ll go to nap but you all under plank-beds.
What for I’ve got all gutter alleys.
You’d better stand up all fore-hearth and that’s all.

I’ll cover up all you from top, from top.
Just because you by all in a crowd.
Will-a-wisp to Me all under plank-beds.
I’ll all of you, all of you, all you there.

Well, cut it short, I all of you ask.
Erm, oh no, I could for an hour.
From Ruslan to pull off nice poet.
All you knew his manly soldier.

******* combat on plank-beds.
He fussed battler for own ears.
He fussed all of them on his own.
Thereby, his gemma was beaten.

That those wretches were martyred him.
But for that he could not hold on to.
And he battered devils from copters.
For the deadly scurrile gorges.

And for that he’s been all in tears.
For several hollowed years.
Having neither boy-friend, nor girl-friend.
As he is to himself the best mate.

As he is jeckoff from a swamp.
Nostradamus called you in such manner.
As he was a real oppressor.
As he was a needful man.

For the victory he will see service.
I will show him to all, to your sons.
He will bring to you all the Satan.
And he says to you: don’t say that,

You did not love me, I’m here.
I wish with you all sticking to by sight,
To have a sit and read a faith to bride.
As you all are imbeciles herein.

As you are inhabiting swamp.
As you are not carrying a button.
As I will ball exactly all you!
And for mane, and for tail, and in chaps.

Just because you are gobbling and gobbling.
As you all are eating that.
Is called as hocky in the bad.
You’ll be fed by Rusia as well.

Is sitting and cannot help herself.
Drinking again from the morning.
Begging again to all patience.
Fussing again tasty crackers.

Sitting at the puter eft.
Moving the **** under desk.
As he’s aware of the best way.
It’s meerer, sweeter when it’s in the state when you sit.

As it’s aware what is on the top.
It is followed by horseman on twig.
The twig is not mere in full!
It costs three rubles, one and all.

It costs the good price because.
Every why has therefore.
As I will to attain so.
And that’ll be made in gold.

Who wished to fight his foes.
Will be without horns.
But who could not take rise.
Who wished to ball the livestocks.

Who wished to ball any jade!
That’ll be soon in two-time bat!
That’ll be soon with two-time dopant.
Who balled up of mates a ****.

Who forgave them that whup-***
That’ll be given a sum paids.
Who absolved them all the sins.
That will stay at faster streams.

But the stream is not idlesse.
It has even golden banks.
And those banks are nicely gold.
But you do not really want.

You pretend to be together.
Balled by luzhkov in pair of drawers.
He is ready you to bang.
But he’s ******* between legs.

He may be just educator?
If such story is of you.
He is surely a ***.
But his nose is not so slack.

Rather balled he all of you.
He’s balling now the cow.
As he does not have a horn.
Every why has, therefore.

He has singly for that love.
I can each to all of you.
Insistently get impressed.
That it needs to be so.

That’s all, I can’t do more.
I’ll go back! that’s all
I cannot
I will march off!

But who can’t be victorious!
He will drink aqua afresh!
But the aqua is not bare.
It is added with gold matter.

Coins in the field are walking.
And of pittance keeping pocket.
But the pittance is not simple.
Is from gold that’s highly silken.

It is held by four good guys.
Three of them are on the top.
And I Wish by all is called.
I optate that and all this.

I feel baldly nothing else!
Not desiring anything.
I put out for all you.
I put out in meantime.

When you all expecting Us.
Watching Us because of that.
Every why has therefore.
As we such a way have!

Such way I would love – that’s all.
I don’t have in mind goal.
I would need from you one bolt.
Do not go to him for short.

Do not go along the road.
Good man, hail, I’m your foe.
I have come to you, let me.
Implement as your squaddie.

Poor fellow, day, night each.
Was not sitting – reading speech.
He was sitting – you were dormant.
******* your land by a command.

If you will not waken up.
All of you’ll wait for burst up.
Those who slept in every pose.
Or just trivially wrong modes.

Simply as I truly mean.
To all you I give a spouse.
But the spouse is not so plain.
Give-me-golden-coin pay!

Golden shiner hands.
Just for fun from dullness.
Just for fun from dullness.
Grown that you possess.

Eyes appeared on your head.
But no view I see on spot.
Further they have risen else.
But I can see nothingness.

Just the horns have grown.
Rising more and more.
Horns – antlers.
Big antlers!

Here’re your huge antlers!
They are foes for you.
If you **** at least one foe.
I will send my pardon.

Will I pardon you – that’s all?
No! you’ll come and eat
And dream up due to my quest.
Only if you will

Eat when you feel like.
If you will fall asleep,
When you feel love
Is waiting all of you

I prevented all of you.
I’ll go to bed.
And have dream, Ruslanchik.
That’s a wrap……

— The End —