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Santiago Jun 2015
[Intro: K-Rino]
Yeah, something we can all relate to
The pain we all share
Think about your momma
Think about your daddy
Think about your homeboy
Think about your cousin
Think about your brother
Think about your sister

Even though you rest in peacefully, grieving's never easy
While living life freely I'd never thought you'd leave me
Life lessons you would teach me and constantly receive me
Even times when you didn't agree with me completely
I can't believe this happening, I miss hearing you laughing
The gladness that we had turns to sadness when that path ends
Reality, truth hurts, the suffering grew worse
Wondering what God was telling me by taking you first
Maybe I'll just call this lost part of this harvest
And no you wasn't flawless but I loved you regardless
So even though it pains me and things are not the same we
Have to accept the change and let the will of God reign free
Paid all your dues right, now you on a new flight
Released from the painful imprisonment of this cruel life
And though your gone physically, mentally you visit me
Infinitely in my memory for all you did for me

You'll always remain (where?) in my heart
(Never gon forget about ya, we ain't never gon forget about ya)
You'll always remain (remain where?) in my heart
(We ain't Never gon forget about ya)
(We ain't never gon forget)

God's glorification is women and man's mission
From the minute of your birth, your beginning, your transition
The spirit and flesh are separate, severance is definite
Whenever it ends, we're thankful for what you left us with
Not material or money, all that festers fast
And to have you back I'd trade it all no questions asked
If I had one hour with you, that might ease the circumstance
I could speak the words I should of said but never got the chance
But as I think about it I focused and saw the light
The chance for me to show you what you meant was right there all my life
Concentrating on the flesh is never wise to do
The legacy you leave is what immortalizes you
All the wisdom you was dropping then, I clearly see
Was making it that when you pass away you'll live in me
Now everyday I see just like you I pray to be
And maybe even give someone the happiness you gave to me


They say that pictures can't talk but yet they find the means
Cause when you look at 'em, they place you in a time machine
Next thing you know your laughing, mind state in a better place
Remembering a past moment like it was yesterday
Keep their memory alive and never let it fade
Tell your children 'bout the impact that their presence made
And even though the tears flow you gotta still rejoice
At least two or three times a day I can hear your voice
When they said that all ends with time they wasn't lying
My grandparents, Jerry, A.C. and my cousin Bryan
God is in control, know he got our best in mind
If only life was like a movie, you could press rewind
The loss of a loved one can totally engross ya
It can split a family up or it can bring them closer
Just keep in mind, the Sun shines once the night is gone
I won't pour no liquor out but I can write a song
Santiago May 2015
(feat. Ashlei Mayadia)

Hey, come into my house for a second
What house, yeah my real house listen to your boy

I been to' down by the world, now it's time to rebuild
I'm real enough to call you fake, and you too fake to tell me that I'm real
Out of your two sides, which one will we know
The real side behind closed doors, or the one that you show
When I'm alone I talk to myself, that's strange to you
I think we all do, you crazy if you don't in my view
Showing as much of my game face, the world can consume
But how do I carry myself, when it's just me in a room
Don't get me wrong, I thank the good Lord for blessing my stillness
Like ignorance, seems to get more blessings than realness
Positivity I condone, but still I'm prone to do evil
Have you ever felt alone, inside a room full of people
If we could read minds for a day, and hear what folks ain't speaking
You might be shocked, if you knew what some of these people were thinking
About you yeah you, I know that I'm being felt
You can tell them lies to me, but you can't lie to yourself

[Hook: Ashlei Mayadia]
The side of me, that you don't see
That shows the pain, and the misery
That I'm going through, but never showing you
But when I'm all alone, this is what I do

My bad side I'm guilty, you're barely checking that
I dream that I shed tears, the second that God read me my record back
I activate thoughts, and sharpen my wits
The deeper you go inside my heart, the darker it gets
I rarely speak about my street wars, the things that I've done
The youngster that tried to **** me, in 2001
Or was it 2002, I can't remember myself
I can't forget where I came from, cause I never left
Now if I wanna stack, I gotta bring my serious mind back
I put nothing past nobody, and it's a period behind that
I been the villain and the victim, but my love is blind black
If you ain't sure you heard me right, then rewind that line back
I take the bad with the good, cause they feed eachother
I might be tripping, but it's kinda like they need eachother
Because without good, the bad wouldn't be seen and such
And without the bad, the good might not mean as much


The me you don't see, the side that tends to play men
The side the day he asked God, to forgive him for the same sin
The side of me that's scared to fail, and won't face the ill winds
That occasionally doubts, the existence of real friends
The real me, not the M.C. that brag and boast
The man who underappreciates women, he loves the most
The side of me that wanna give up, but'll never admit it
Who know the move I pulled was out of line, but still went and did it
I'm trying to gather good intentions, and abolish what's left
The man that's sitting inside the *** house, with not of his self
Do I think it's fair I make music, that not many jam
Or hourly say I ain't tripping, but inside I really am
Women come and go, relationships was never what they could be
Some loved me, but I don't think none of em understood me
Cause if they did, we'd still be together possibly
But I can't cry about it, cause whatever happened was meant to be yeah

Santiago Nov 2015
[Talking: K-Rino]
Polytheism: The worship of many Gods. Monotheism: The worship of only one. The title of this composition is called, Three Gods.

I know three Gods, and none of the same
Three things that can all fall up under the name
Some worship many idols, others thunder and rain
Of the three Gods I speak of, which one do you claim?
Listen, polytheism is your enemy
Each God is an entity that prevents people from elevating mentally
And I ain't talking about the Trinity
The three Gods entered me sinfully, manifested death is what sent to me

[Verse 1:]
Moneys the first God I'll speak on, some think that it's wealth
We even place more value on money than life itself
Some might even take a life just to get in hand
Moneys replaceable, but no one can recycle a man
The accumulation of paper leaves the hatred and greed
Immoral seeds they planted in hearts other entities breed
Like materialism, those who feel like cloths and a car make a person
Take that away, and might expose who they are
It's the motivation of war making calamities start
Gratification of it's misuse tears families apart
Can it buy you love and happiness? That's just a facade
Those things only come from building a connection with God
True indeed the love money is the root of all evil
It makes a man ******* women, and sell dope to his people
Now the question gained new revenue is inevitable
It makes you fall for every single trick the devil will pull

I know three Gods, and none of the same
Three things that can all fall up under the name
Some worship many idols, others thunder and rain
Of the three Gods I speak of, which one do you claim?
Listen, polytheism is your enemy
Each God is an entity that prevents people from elevating mentally
And I ain't talking about the Trinity
The three Gods entered me sinfully, manifested death is what sent to me

[Verse 2:]
Drugs are the second God I'll speak on, which one do you use?
It's a multitude in the world now so many to choose?
You got people on speed boasts some agree that they need coke
Some worshiping marijuana baptized in the **** smoke
You can get you a upper, or score you a downer
And now a days more people getting higher from over the counter
If dope ain't a God, prove it. Will discover who's right
It's everywhere, plus it calls you in the middle of night
And in the Dope Bible in the third chapter, The Book of *******
Explains he who hit'ith one shall have no strength to refrain
And shall remain chasing a high whether sunny or rain
And still much lusts making sure that the habits maintain
Seeking three rocks, instead of trying to detox
You gotta be blocks trying to get 10 dollars for a pair of in-store Reeboks
Praying to the drug God from seven to seven
You must believe if you get high enough you'll end up in heaven

I know three Gods, and none of the same
Three things that can all fall up under the name
Some worship many idols, others thunder and rain
Of the three Gods I speak of, which one do you claim?
Listen, polytheism is your enemy
Each God is an entity that prevents people from elevating mentally
And I ain't talking about the Trinity
The three Gods entered me sinfully, manifested death is what sent to me

[Verse 3:]
Now the last God I'll speak on is the one called ***
It's natural which makes it's analysis even more complex
It shouldn't be abused by anyone, but the devious duo
This third God is even used to get the previous two
Let me uncover this, cause' lust sits above the list
It's real dangerous in cases where no love exist
Multidimensional, 16 bars can't cover the ground
The truth is, it's twice as hazardous when love is around
*** is powerful, intended only for husband and wife
Used for unrighteous purposes, but made to reproduce life
We all come from it, some die from it, some live for it,
And when it's real good ain't nothing some people won't do give for it
Without mastery over it, it controls you and pleases
Used as a genocidal tool, by way of deadly diseases
It's the reason we all exist, intentionally or accidentally
If you lack spiritual strength, the physical impacts the mental

I know three Gods, and none of the same
Three things that can all fall up under the name
Some worship many idols, others thunder and rain
Of the three Gods I speak of, which one do you claim?
Listen, polytheism is your enemy
Each God is an entity that prevents people from elevating mentally
And I ain't talking about the Trinity
The three Gods entered me sinfully, manifested death is what sent to me

[Man Talking:]
There's only one God, the creator of the heavens and the Earth. And you and I were created in his image and after his likeness. You can't bow down to money, you can't bow down to drugs, you can't bow down to ***. You were born to be like your father, a God. Stand up and be a God black man, and woman. Stand up and take charge of your world.
The world is yours.
Lawrence Hall Oct 2018
De-Colonize This Space

Drum circle protests genderplop demands
Indigenous discount store camouflage
We demand persistent stereotypes
Solidarity initiative project

Take back the people’s cultural statues
Ethnographic curatorial practices
Red spray paint fire imperialism
Repatriate the Iphone Starbuck’s cups

And don’t forget the “Hey! Hey! **! **!’
Because we’re, like, artists and stuff, you know?

2. De-Colonize This Space Too

Guns and cholesterol made America great
Fat white boys in discount store camouflage
Duct-tape the Bible and the border wall
We won our freedom with our Kalashnikovs

Fake news back-stabber not a war hero
Lock her up get ‘em outta here yuge deal
You RINO losers can grab my MAGA

You snowflakes are sissies, you millennials too
But ouch! my heel spurs hurt, oh boo-hoo-hoo!
Your ‘umble scrivener’s site is:
It’s not at all reactionary, tho’ it might be drivel.
Santiago Apr 2015
The masses fell and were jailed in a stomach of the ******* whale
Who prevailed over the hell of the dragon when he cast his tail?
Since the slave trade in the Trans-Atlantic
Man's been granted grace until Allah's judgement spans the planet
It ain't hard to recognize the enemy
Who you say you are is nothing to me, words prove identity
With typical non-ethereal spiritless individuals
Habitual partakers in Babylonian rituals
Unrighteous acts be flipping you like fraction reciprocals
The nature of the original we abandoned those principles
At the time so integral and pivotal
We need to focus on the God and try not to deviate from being spiritual
The Serpent was in the garden and the light of the Sun
Not a snake but a man with the characteristics of one
So understand no matter what you believe
The best way to avoid deception is to know that you can be deceived
The man had sprung you to his land and beat you and hung you
It's the Satan of the Bible and the Qu'ran living among you
They told you about a Hell that burns hotter than the Sun do
But after knowledge comes you've discovered that it was untrue
There's evil institutions and ungodly solutions
The cross you wear was used as a tool for execution
They claimed to be Christians but they set it on fire
How can you honour something that was used to **** the Messiah?
They say that you would go to Heaven when you die and leave here
But the earth is a sphere that already sits in the atmosphere
To keep you in *******, you're not worth a ****
But Elijah reverses the scam of the curse of ham
Our lower nature, I've been tryna rise above it for years
Money's not the root of all evil, the love of it is
The real Devil is right behind you, how fast can you run?
He replaced his white sheet with a badge and a gun
And a web was spun to **** and plants seed of war
Close our mental door and ignore the needs of the poor
The procedure was tedious, centuries in deceiving us
Histories of previous people not heeded and repeated us
In a snakish manner, he lies when his eyes see the camera
I seen him fiending for blood in Jena, Louisiana
They poisoning our hoods to bleed and **** us out
We attempting suicide every time that we leave the house
Treated the Black man lower than canines in a kennel
And made us believe that our condition was accidental
All we do is sing songs, we done suffered too long
Look at they world and look at yours and tell me something ain't wrong
Blacks falsely characterized in America's eyes
But now the rest of the world is getting wise to America's lies
The Devil quickly waves his wand and negativity responds
When the Black man wants to be sworn in with his hand on the Qu'ran
How can they contradict the basis of they own foundation (hypocrites)
When the White races who founded this nation were Masons
Masons who studied Islam and secret societies
But not original so they couldn't receive all the degrees
Slave owning presidents, who played the role of divine
The constitution was never designed with Black people in mind
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, straight down the line
All the way to Bill Clinton and Bush in the present time
Blood spill, and a quill was placed on the Great Seal
It's start coding then revealed on the back of the dollar bill
He deceives the whole world and lies to the whole nation
Through his wicked interpretations on his main news station
FOX represents the number of the beast
Resolute the three letters you'll find a six in each
F is the sixth letter in the alphabets mix
O is the fifteenth, one plus five equals six
X is the twenty-fourth, that's six number three
Satanic messages fed to us over the TV
Put us to sleep with new forms of mental slavery
Cause if you knew the real God you would instantly be free
From The Serpent
Santiago May 2015
Whenever you're ready, I can believe your great and special but if you don't think you are my thoughts carry no weight <\3
Santiago Apr 2015
To every contender I never surrender
Your protector and defender  
I'm a soldier at war, history's no more
What was once before, is left obsolete
Not acknowledged nor considerably embraced
Evil has emerged I must face and completely erase trapping souls in a labyrinth maze
Santiago May 2015
My Version Of Retaliation
[Made Interesting To Read]

I'm crushing brains,
breaking chains, dragging lames, still active in the game, upset ***** still the same, nothings changed people act strange, smell ******* from a long range, nothings authentic soulless genetics human heretic synthetics, walking around wasting, taking up, ******* up, covering up, malicious vicious delirious intent, ***** filthy demons, blind ignorance which they enforce proceed controlled suppressed emotions, a supreme devotion, robots in motion planted in their head, inclined to this secular monetary system, money hungry, silly dummy pertaining to the masses, fooled by the higher classes, believing the lie working as a spy I ask myself why? It's worth to die, your life you apply, placed on the line cross ways guaranteed that *** is mine, gripping quickly strike blood ***** dripping, shake the spot before **** gets too hot, I gotta bounce code blue is announced, dorky trick laying sick, coughing blood spit, head twitching, hands legs body shaking into paralysis, panic attack, unaware at this phase, blood rivers travel the concrete floor, cold body quivers shivers burgundy shore, DNA spill not for the thrill but for the ****, keep it real ambulance arrives 15 minutes later, ended catastrophe what a tragedy, depressing agony covered in a white sheet, head to feet, zipped up black body bag, sealed confined, sent to the corner, a cycle repeated over and over, play time finished game over, I'm taking over, blood mystery, forgotten history, piggyback misery, tossed in the pissery, take it too far toss you across the stars, end up crashing on mars, body parts tear apart, fingers linger in the air, head blown strayed away, legs flying squirting red, all that's left to see is a foot intact to your toes, found your nose, what an overdose you arose I suppose you chose to begin, surely thought you could win, in this silly game of sin, found weeks later hanging from a trash bin, hands down to the grounds, legs in flies landing in, ***** acid begin to eat too juicy to retreat, cats eating tasty meat, dogs snatching bones, birds poking pieces, yummy Reese's pieces, human diseases, I guess that's how it ends for the ones who pretend, act like my friend, making amends I'm a lunatic men, brains blend as I ascend, shatter skulls as my power descends, the light I defend until the end, crack you open in half, scatter you then after gather what matters to you, thought you knew bulletproof assassin's crew, recruiting grew, illegal weaponry strategic tactics, I master put it to practice, highly explosive C4, body parts tore, missing pieces to explore if you asking for more, if not step right out the door,
Santiago May 2015
Can you imagine a place?
Where all the trials and tribulations in the world...
Can you imagine a place?
Where all the trials and tribulations in the world...
Don't existed, [laughs]
It's a real place
But right now it only existed through man's mind because...
The reality of it is that...
Until a time comes for you to get there... [laughs]
And you can only picture it...
So what I wanna do is try to give you a little sneak preview of...
My perception
Watch this

[Verse 1:]
Nothing but happiness and peace felt daily
A place where ya children and babies can play safely
Where people genuinely, believe in being friendly
No such thing as hatred and no memory of envy
When no problems to face every morning when you awaken
You can sleep with doors wide open and nobody'll break in
Where love's force field is too solid to be shaken
Where each child grows up to be great women and great men
No depression or loneliness and no sad moments
And people full-grown who never heard of being homeless
Will we manifested our gifts and no dream is to distance
And they'll no hospital cause sickness is non-existed
And love perpetuates itself while no child suffers
And treatment of one another's not based around color
And you'll never hear 'Slander come' from anyone's tongue
In a hundred years old it's still considered young

In a perfect world (there would be no pain)
In a perfect world (no stress, no strain)
In a perfect world (we would all be wise and see the whole world through the tides)
In a perfect world (no war, no crimes)
In a perfect world (we would share one mind)
In a perfect world (and all we'd see is peace and real L.O.V.E.)

[Verse 2:]
Nations wouldn't verbally spar with one another
Point out flaws and seek to go to war with each other
Each person has a place in the purpose destined to flourish
No child is ever hurt a male nourish money is worthless
We learn in the most spiritually advance schools
And everything is done God's way, no man made rules
And poverty is no longer in man's vocabulary
Erase from human thought regulation or dictionary
No dream, the most wonderful thing you've every scene
Every living being bleeming with infinite self-esteem
And believe in the all wise ruler and best planner
We walked the planet in the most harmonious manner
Where those who rest in here get uncountable blessings
Total strengths and trustworthy with'cha most prize precession
If a man give his word, he keeps with no deception
In the mind full of knowledge is the only loaded weapon


[Verse 3:]
Is this heaven or the hereafter the geographical area post rapture?
The book of life's unclear chapter
If it's in the sky then who derides it?
Find someone who's ever died and visualize it then returned here to describe it
Since none had carried out that mission
The question isn't if it's real, the question is it is a place or a condition?
See heaven has a great description
But men exaggerate and create division, make up written lies and fabricate depictions
So stop imaging and understand the basics
Your place been in the heavenly state, it's self-created
That old statement life is what you make it, is a true one
Your old existence erased and replaced it with a new one
See years of resentment left your progress restricted
Knew love could never move until your heart till hates evicted
And this place that I've pictured, look inside if you're wondering where is it
You don't have to give your spirit up to visit

Allisen Jan 2014
Today's the day I stand up
I'll grow higher than a redwood tree.
Look down and I will see
The others look like ants beneath me.
Today's the day I harden
I'll have the backbone of a rino.
Charge head on into my fears
I'll demolish everyone who stands in front of me.
Santiago May 2015
yo the homie Juan C
pass the mic to me
so i wreck this beat
like SPC protege of k rino
hos call me mandingo poppin' ***** tapes demo
never rode a limo
only smokes primo n got pitches in otcos
8 bars make ya see the star im far from soft
f them boys in the nawf
woth south side ****** til we die
we ride with the hardest regardless
if they try to break our clique
we still gone spit ****
like a cobra ya know its over
once the venom in em then couple.of minutes later
finish em
mortal combat **** all the rats
despise chit chat call my youngest ** ***** cat
pack a black gat
we push loot in the golden regal
every thang we do is illegal
as gibson they don't want none
boys crackin' rhymes til the crack of dawn
then wake up next day just
to bust another one
my OGs rollin' with Don Key n Pokey
hardest in the pit
and if you disagree we make haters **** our ****
sloppy **** no ****
them ******* can lick the pigment off a ***** stick
but i play it safe n cool
cuz hos try to burn you
got it played smooth groove
to the sound bound to get down
if ya down bow down listen to the gun shots sounds
now ya leakin' where ya be speakin'
now ya body tweekin' n geekin'
soon to crossover
like epmd mic check ya know me my crew be
fascinating minds with our hocus pocus never lose focus
my raw raps got them nervous
got Juan C next to me
and got the tech services
and no playin now from the htown
still holding top with no crown
dont need a status we the baddest
turn the lane three wheel leanin' with bird chirpin'
still smokin' up the scene
with clip fully loaded magazine
glock cocked we aint gone stop
sip the prometh to the day i drop
dont stop
the music cadillac funky so ya know im gonna abuse it
drip up drapped out know what im talking bout
deep in the south we put guns in ya mouth
no flappin' we stay strappin'
like willis ya know whats happenin'
and we aint gone stop the rappin'
mad at us cuz we bring the real
o so real make every nation feel
what them southern slangers do
dangerous as the Bronx Zoo
what ya wanna do
with stay with more than sun tzu when death comes to you
them boys n blue
cant save u
on the mic i gets wicked after a meal ticket sadistic
as charlie manson
got a twenty two mansion
followed a long benz with the big blue lens
zero percent window
so i can smoke my indow
what they dont know wont show
follow the peckin' order my game smarter
jaun n yosef isthe real hip hop martyrs
and we ready to battle
sogo ahead and shake ya rattle
cuz we'll be quick to slaughter

yea man let me come through
versace with the blue
jeans coming clean sip lean
with an ounze of promethazine fiends
be on the look out
cuz ya know im about
to clown harder than Corey Holcomb
boys gettin' dumb dumb
got hos thats chewin bubble gum
shakim' *** too fast
make a ***** urge for a ***** lick
yea im rollin' with the *******
up clique we sick
as a muthafucka
enticin' all types of diseases
cuz the lyrical content pleases
many foes and hoes
i wear baggy clothes with jabos
dont ya know
im rap don vito stack chips like frito
lay i parlay
on sittin on the dock of the bay
jammin k
or that *****
htown is how we do?
ride ***** with the bulls
euro grills caprice with pipes made of steel
o so real still
got every nation on they feet
they cant feel
this uh coming down on ya blvd
ya can see me on tv or 60 inch screens dvd
**** blue rays i rock ray ban shays
like Mj ya can catch me on a fade
doing what i do in the paint
with a Styrofoam cup full of drank
grams of dank
smoke so much we cant think
eyes cant blink im on the brink
of an overdose
ya suppose to rock the flows like me
im like biggie
spittin the classic mr magic
girls call my **** game fantastic
stretch ***** holes like elastic
leave her visions plastered
like she drunk as ****
im pushin luck six flat riding a black truck
40 oz in the gut gangsta strut
im the best ***** whatttt?
im ina rage one luv to homies
in the cage
when i hit the stage
ya know the crowds gone get wild
im flagrant like a fouls problem child
use my cash bills to fans thrills
no spills on *******
ya know the deal
hos be reachin' still teachin'
n im all about mass appeal
Lawrence Hall Jun 2022
Lawrence Hall

                        We Know Where You RINO Traitors Live

Some Christians by a newer word seem to abide:
For they preach Trump, and Him crucified
As Charles Spurgeon did not say.
They say hip hop ain't dead
How come fools droppin'
More mixtapes than albums?
Bums out with balm tryna getting money in there palms
I aint mad at the hustle but this generation is nothing but trouble
Went from  socialism lyricism to materialism
Now fools rappin' about how cool it is
To spend loot and then doom for prison
Teachers of new school misguided by the old school?
Well Cuz at once we considered at same points
But at least there was social commentary
Seems like all the realist rappers are in the cemetery
Holding it down for the underground
Like K-rino he know they game done took many turns
But this ones for the worse its the hearse
Can't revive what ain't alive??
Unless there's a new savior me an imagery
Of my pops dark skin afro full of inferno
I look his blazin' eyes then he reveled to me a sign
Start the revolution pick off where pac marley and others left off
Cuz the game is too soft
No fathers figures just a bunch of ***** acting like *******
Strategize your destiny no one has chains on you only ya brain
Can keep you from accomplishment
And when I die will dear lord hear my sentiment
Try to teach what I preach
Not for the bad but as well as the good
Look in every hood
I see poverty lookin up to these SIMPs
Nothing buts hoes to the recompany pimps
Hip hop is dead?!!!

Yea I know I made mistakes in my life
Buts that's part of life
Through obstacles to miracle
I drop the oracle messenger to the people
Ask me y they call me Yosef
Which means peace but an art of was mentality
Tell me about quiet storm deep as i swarm
Like a plaguin' locust
In ya brain make ya lose focus no need to cuss
But then again I gotta
Cuz brothers only commend what they comprehend
Followin' these rappers like a religion
Stuck lost as a stool pigeon
I'm.writing verses to break the curses
And keep ya out the spiritual hearses
Most can't understand me?? Saying I'm hating the game Cuz they not paying me??
When I can make more overseas
United snakes ain't nothing but a tease
Taming audience without the cognizance of knowing
A lighted hypnotist like Chris Wallace past through the palace
Ya see nothing but skulls and bones
Society prone due for an overload
And watch the system fold
Then where will the rappers be at? When there's a sudden collapse
Once the master plan is success they wont need u any longer to manifest
Stupidity ya guilty but ya pleas no contest
Join the system I say give me liberty or give me death
I'll take death instead Cuz you'll go stale tryna eat bread!!!

call me ghost buster
cuz im bustin at haters til they ghost smoke the most make a toast
to the houston heat holders
in texas we play hold em fold em
then hit cha with a texas two steps guns in prep we go for the reps
til its nothing left
body bruised as my fist cruise
to ya jaw disconnected now reconnected
from the chiropractor
thats what ya get for playin a gangsta actor
run through rhymes like a tractor factor
to the game plugged into my veins
got hip hop growing insane
cuz yosef delivers than the pain
worse than cheap *******
in yo brain
uh i got black ice sittin' nice
haters get yo head spliced sliced
like wires soon to retire body expire
as bring more heat then a dryer respect the sire
embrace higher
learning from books that  i read
now the art of war aint dead
skipped over the feds never sleep in the same bed
cuz i got bread to make uh im a baker like anita baker
give ya the best that i got
i like to tote glocks poppin shots throwin back shots
of liquor turns me evil quicker
see a bad chick then a **** her hit with the tongue twista
eargasm to back spasm
ya know yo gotsa to have em
uh at least a different chick
for everyday no parlay
we gettin ***** down to the nitty gritty never ******
fools talkin itty bitty
they sweeter than hello kitty i pity
the fool like mr t ya see me ya better believe its beef
i keep it smokin' like hot kettles
pushin' hot metals
til ya cranium falls like rose peddles dont meddle
in yosefs **** unless ya face a casket though a ghetto *******
through the life of crimes ya know that im
a hundred percent with my skills
one eighty seven once i touch the mic it chills
below zero violent hero got rhymes like k'rino
peeps say i rocking too fast
but they just slow
feel the adrenaline rush
as i tote this cannibus yo its a must as i bust
through the scene like a dope fiend
lookin' for that last hit kind of drastic
so dudes rub ya *****
n chicks rub ya *****
slow grinding to my **** cuz of the way i spit
ya find me bonin' sally in the alley as I add another to my tally
******' hip hop ever since she developed ***** uh
they used to ask me?
yo yosef do you feel pain?
I said he'll yeah all across my membrane
use the hair strains
off my ***** mary jane
can't **** with that *******
it's the only way to keep my mind sane
gotta dame yeah she's far from tamed
but I gotta dig deeper
cuz if not she'll leave ya
I told her I'm on some revolutionist ****
she look at me confused *** ****
I told her ya know we kings and queens
but it seems
they always discredit us in a magazine
stereotypes and ******* movie hype
thinkin every ***** is out to snipe
I gotta cope nope I don't sell dope
but my rhyme is dope
to this beat y'all elope
married to tune sounds of doom uh
ya better know  the game G
cuz I ain't down with buck dancing G
**** this new slavery and this new waverly
of fashion form **** the uniform I don't conform
to no *******
I'd rather be a dude that a lunatic
I gotta stay true to my barrio
ever since K-rino bumped in my stereo and now I know
why they hate me
it's cuz of my masculinity
wishin they could be us notorious
and dangerous
in lies we trust
government gonna get a gun bust
from every last on of us
my ancestors are my protectors
mama didn't wanna hear me or steer me
so I turned to the universe
and they cleared me
guilty from the system
ghostly farms coming for the lynching
don't be alarm black folks
it's just us returning the yoke
forty acres and a mule
check the clips from the sound of my tool
my Drago leggo my eggo
we beat any scenario
puff another blunt of indo
see me through ya Window
I'm in the thoughts of ya temple
chambers deep creep like TLC
we cool strong and crazy
fools don't phase me cuz lately
I been seein thangs
that the average
eye can't see
so sit back as I wreck the place
holding the world hostage no ransom
prepare for the coming of Scarface
Nathan Traini Sep 2018
Ages of humans here they’re told
Recite them to the young and old

First comes bone and then to stone
Next in sun bronze and iron shone

These be tools and weapons drawn
To make shelter and **** the pawn

Men lack hides of Rino thick
And teeth to bite but have brains to trick

Before the time of written word
Know we not of what occurred

With our tricks we peer at last
To see why we forgot our past

Trapped in ice a record tells
Of dangerous times that us compels

To say that we were simple men
Is a lie that we must defend

For if there were ages lost
Fragile we are and easily squashed

That’s why we control the land
So she does not to us command

We do not know in full
If the land can be ruled

5x5  10,000 times
Humans walked beneath the pines

The ages of women that we know still
Are but a scribble from a quill

From that time, long forgot
In our minds a missing slot

Deeds we did were lost in tales
Now myths to us dimmed by the ales

Who were we before the fall
History now, is a scholars brawl

The ages of men are short compared
To the time before we all had erred

Now the age is that of space
Not a void but a starry race

Here we try and avoid the fall
It’s a long way down after all
Lawrence Hall Dec 2022
Lawrence Hall
LogoSophia Magazine – A Pilgrim’s Journal of Life, Literature and Love
Fellowship & Fairydust (

              Universal All-Purpose InterGossip Post Response
                       for The Year of Our Daily Mail 2022

Tinder box iconic cannon fodder
iconic clown show iconic clown circus
iconic clown car iconic clown train
iconic absolute clown show train iconic
he didn’t get the memo iconic
you had one job iconic I have no words
iconic new and selected iconic
subvert iconic at its best iconic
I’m getting the popcorn iconic much
iconic subversive iconic witch hunt
iconic fairy tale wedding iconic
unsung iconic what could possibly go wrong
iconic there, there fixed it for you iconic
FACT I’ll wait iconic oh, wait iconic
snake-oil salesman iconic taking the world
by storm iconic all aboard the crazy train
iconic you could google it iconic
tightknit community iconic worst
case scenario iconic Tinder box
iconic cannon fodder iconic
he didn’t get the memo iconic
you had one job iconic I have no words
iconic new and selected iconic
subvert iconic at its best iconic
much iconic subversive iconic
witch hunt iconic fairy tale wedding
iconic unsung iconic what could
possibly go wrong iconic there,
fixed it for you iconic FACT iconic
I’ll wait iconic oh, wait iconic
snake oil salesman iconic taking the world
by storm iconic you could google it
iconic tightknit community iconic
worst case scenario iconic end of
iconic quelle surprise iconic wheelhouse
iconic dog and pony show iconic
iconic in the crosshairs iconic
jaw dropping iconic supply chain iconic
decolonize iconic post-colonial
iconic neo-colonial iconic
just dropped iconic unshackled writers
iconic quagmire iconic not out of the woods
just wow iconic facepalm iconic
LOL iconic pulled out all the stops
iconic systematic racism iconic
systemic racism iconic structural
racism iconic RINO iconic
Demoncrat iconic Republicrap
iconic bombshell iconic game changer
iconic wow iconic just wow iconic
end of story iconic tight knit iconic
field day iconic perfect storm iconic
winter wonderland iconic

— The End —