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Kim Johnson Jun 2014
Everyone's writing poem on wall,
for me it ws just a free from boredom call.
I wanted 2 write about somethg new,
But all I hav is d memories of u.

listening 2 Rihana's unfaithful,
thinking of u being regretful,
half burnt cigrette in my hand,
regretful vid ur absence in dis heart.

Missing every thing about u,
missing every day without u,
Dis stupid n awful heart of mine,
doesnt even knw how 2 liv n shine.

d way u kissed my neck 2 lips,
I was quenching ma lust vid ur mesmerizing kiss,
when u wispered dose three words,
Ur lov beside me, i can fight against d world.

What was ' I ' in ur happy life,
just a letter 2 fill between L n F,
u threw me out ven I needed u d most,
in ma own world I was lonely n lost.

To hav u back, I prayed 2 gods,
I wished upon stars,
I made hundred paper cranes,
But u never return bck 2 dis lanes.
Charles Oct 2019
There are times I like to be on my own
Not that I'm some introvert
Not that I'm a sadist
But there is a Fulfillment in the silence
The ideas flow, endless

I go deep into myself
And i crawl into my mind which has a very small door but a large world
There i am a god
There i create the animals, the memories, the happenings
In there no bad times
No heart breaks
Just love, happiness, paradise
Well why not its my world, its my book
There every movie, every song, every story is more than just words, they are life.

There I ignite the stars and connect their sparks
I own cars, bars.
I could make that lady that broke my heart mine
I could make a journey to heaven with no plane in time
I could be tell the sun to go into its shell
If that is the wish of my girl
I could tell the waters to stand
I could make the ground to land

There i could be whoever i want to be
I could sing like Rihana and rap like jay z
I could own Danerys and take Drogo with me
I could be the combination of Ronaldo and Messi
I could see whatever i want to see
I could be with those i deeply love
I could bring down heaven from above
paradise would be the name of the globe

So you see why i love to be on my own
In my world
A world of no blood
A world where i am god
But i know this world is temporary so i crawl back into earth to face reality
A place where i don't long to be
And when I'm bitter i crawl back into my world

You can make red blue
The old, new
The hot, cool
You should try it too

For he who controls the mind controls himself
Ishudhi Dahal Jun 2020
They say ugly
I say beautiful
Because those fool
who are like pencil neck
Saying we follow brotherhood
Making the ring
But are Racist and appealing
comparision between wood and paper
Like Brandy whisky jams and liquor
Tom( a white fellow) needs black Iphone
wants black sheet in his bed
But he hates
That black girl Anna
But listens song of Rihana
Puts headphones
Singing ‘’
Being Aryan
I respect all
Whether they are mongol
or the are Baptist
But not racist
Stop racism and instead of ‘ I ‘ and ‘ My ‘
Start saying ‘ we ‘ and ‘ ours ‘
Just do nothing
Follow the flow of Martin Luther King Junior
And feel the change !
Copyright © IshudhiDahal

— The End —