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CJDaisy Feb 2021
Let's be honest,
It doens't resmeble a bear anymore.
"Well loved." They say.
It still sleeps in my bed.
I can't seem to put it in the closet.

I got away with wearing
neon knee-highs to my
elementary graduation.
I'm glad I did that,
before everyone began comparing.

I got my hair cut
real short the day before.
you still look at me like you did when it only fell past my ears.
I don't know if you've noticed, but my hair is long now.
well, I haven't seen you in years. The gate that was open between us
has long since shut.

God, we've changed so much.
I want to stay in high school forever.
We used to hop over tide pools, until I fell in one.
When you pulled me out, my shoes were too small for me,
and I was perturbed by your once familiar touch.

I don't want to grow up.
I don't want to grow up.
Some things I should've savored.

— The End —