i live in a sufficatin hell seeing every one **** up.
there is only pure anger for what we have be came
we are only macheins that have rules to be slaved by the government.
we dye we cry we suffer our lives end with just a single button
I live in darkness with no light.
I live in this hell seeing society become a threat.
i live in hell seeing innecent people dye from people who attck there life.
i just watch the world turn seeing nothing but insent blood shed that has lost the most import people who can heal the mistakes
i live in my own hell seeing every day blood shed taking familys to death.
i have words to say but seeing your own friend get taken out by warfare (WHAT THE ****) i live in my own hell seeing just **** rip apart people
i live in this world that has no boundries no limits no nothing. just blood shed with no regert
i live in this world full of danger i always have to keep my sences up to be awaerar of the next move
i live in a world of hell where there is nothing to stop by boundries just blood shed
my own living hell is everyday trying just to survive as time goes on
my difrent moods can tell in my poems or words