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Fay Slimm Oct 2014
Between ten and eleven-thirty p.m. this Cornish
village, for the most part gets itself quietly ready
to find comfort in bed.
No exception tonight, beneath cold arc of moon
time takes command as cats are put out, doors
latched and no dog barks.
Mist is rising under fading depths of navy-blue
sky as neighbours pull blinds and hiding behind
upstairs curtains undress.
Clothes are being thrown about, noses get blown,
teeth cleaned, backs scratched and toilets flushed
before baring days' secrets.
Outbursts of *** meet with collapse as confession
of headache becomes forgotten in gasps of gossip
that start giggling sessions.
Suppers crumbing clean sheets vye with a shared
cigarette between couples who, tho' sleep-heavy,
drowsily mumble goodnight.
Peace tumbles around snuffles and snores before
stirring ceases as this small backwater stumbles
toward a new morning.
Men, women and offspring down toys with tools    
as dreams take over while strength refuels weary
bones for more readiness.
For a few hours their world of normality flies to
another dimension then with sunrise legs stretch
and yawning faces distort.
Because betwixt six and seven thirty a.m. this little
community will rise and give inner-thanks before
morning battles start again.
Nobody knows what tears are shed behind blinds
that nightly challenge good folks' efforts in trying          
to make the most of their life.
Megan Kirkham May 2014
When loneliness may become your only friend
addicted to something

so silly

as attention

and a desire
to be admired

and adored

will always have you

end up


prime goal of every addiction

is to stay in control

therefore deny

what you long for most

and it refuels itself with your energy
every now and then

when it makes you feel

worthless and nothing special

so it can thrive on you

once more

when you’re high

and everything feels so right

learn to be alone

even when it hurts like Hell

and kick that addiction

you’ll see

it will runaway scared

when it knows

you’re strong enough

to stand on your own

and I will then hold you

in my arms

after waiting for so long

to finally become the only friend
giving you

everything you could ever want
without asking

Alexander Foe Mar 2019
Poetry is our love,
It enshrouds us from strange view.
Poetry is our potion,
It refuels our life anew!

Each stanza is a period,
That tells us its own message,
Each stanza separates,
But when united, is our beloved passage.

Every line a single sentiment,
They're arranged to tell and flow.
Every line when read altogether,
Makes the poem a beautiful whole.

Words are my portal,
That conveys from me to you.
Words are my conscience -
That spreads only the right rule.

The letters stringed together,
Each can still stand alone.
The letters squeeze together,
Like a humbled family I own.
KorbydAngyle Jun 2021
Hello then goodbye
that's what a crazy girl once said then
spelling two four letter words
one that began with s and the other ends with C K
Probably Californian for rest in peace off the edge
of a pier then disrespectively placed beneath the pylons
bequeathed lack of knowledge "baby lamb'

It's a jiffy the mind of images moments that the
Witch refuels the same ****** game, that which is a same namesake
as mission from effort

Faulkner or Neruda each gets to the telephone
they have a writ of wit the right to disposition.....
Only I know the city is writhing
awaiting to indemnify the files of compulsory opportunity
as simply that sneering besmirching and scolding at their delight

A clown in a diamond cloud writing
only another storm when cause and
Keto and foreign and season tickets 'oh they only seek the same storm of lightening and receptions
of the slaps that belie truth as the norm

Attack, how mean was this merriment and a reach that supposedly was noted
as the free way to reveal simply... I know I'm ******

Yet words, a wife, a new girl, get on after that school girl, she moves and shows,
perhaps even a devalued face of the clock/ when grace solutions are fare
from the free norm and dissolving chemicals are back form
the(Guatemala) chicly revolution that cleans the houses and divines the water

Ahh such moorings in the swamps of the castles Christian permitting the crimped curls,
each associated table cloth was a certain tear
as the table was set

Each name writes an analogue and for truth the personal novella.(tell me something I don't know),
yet now and only now this opportunity shows the same place that all is so ****** stupid...
words can have only deviances so our reverie junctures allow

Form a game of great philosophies, we're at the games of realities,
yet such embarrassment of the errors that were left behind,
discover that these word games of humanity allow...
performance as the morality

Rather than all else fails,
continue to consider
the seasons for detriment,
the dirt of grim inner self reflection can also be indeed
the formulation from which all are playing their *****
& might even be the vitriol on the way to amorous
fluff which in turn entailed the solutions for redemption for frailty or numerous flack and epistemology
rain through the rain to return to 22nd century reality
Dru Oct 2020
In silence I suffer
It seems to go on endlessly
It leaves me emotionally drained
Physically am a wreck
But I trod on
I will still keep at it
Even though the end is still not in sight

Every now and then when I hear her voice
Her excitement washes all the pain
Her smile numbs all the aches
She's full of life ,
A chat with her refuels me
She brings meaning to the suffering

She's my little girl
But she's more than that
She's my rock
Bring color to mind world
Makes the hard work worth it
The joy of providing for her
Makes me forget all the aches

— The End —