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Mq Aug 2015
I'm awoke ?
But everything has been feeling like a dream lately
Or a nightmare that doesn't care if you know you're up in it
I'm greedy ,and this might be why  everything I love has little left after I'm done
I'm sorry
But even at the dinner table I haven't been using manners ,
I haven't been thanking god
But god I've been thinking alot
Why do I keep coming close to dying
My biggest fear is being recarnated
I'm afaird of death
Showing me the ropes all over
My skeleton has been hanging in the same tree as of October
I'm waiting for my backbone to grow in again
Or spine , anything
I know people who pretend they still know how to stand
People with feet that forgot how to pick there selves up
I can't become another soul lost in a world full of them
With bones so heavy gravity won't be the reason you suffocate this time
Vladimir s Krebs Oct 2020
I feel so alone empty all I hear are floors creek when I walk down the dark desolate hallway with memories of tragedy play visions of lost empty one i lost is any body out there loneliness my heart feels is eternity of abandonedment loneliness watching candles flicker when gust of air blows threw the window my reflection is just ghost of my own self that just fades away from time I felt alive I use to be able to fly but now I become a fallen angel among a demise of lost souls cry to be free my heart losing battle when ever time it just breaks when every woman just hurts me I am just ghost in shadows of misery what should I do being abandoned or being destroyed shattered like glass being smashed in car accident where everyone dies nobody will survive love when nobody wants  real love i lost will to fight when im walking the earth just lost soul wanting my engery to free wishing I had someone to spend my life with just seems to be just another tragedy waiting to happen 💔  am I just a ghost or have I  went to heaven above was recarnated a dove to touch could with my winds soar the great oceans watching life go on

— The End —