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I wanna rip this beating heart out.
I wanna throw it to the wolves.
I wanna feel there nashing teeth
on splintered human veins.
I wanna see you melt the darkness
that has eatin into my brain.
I wanna see you be a trickster
and slice these putred sayings,
these words that i live by,
that open up my mind
to wonders that can see through
all the screaming bleeding cries.
The screams of people dying,
being murdered in the streets.
The cries of all the children
that are weeping at my feet.
I wanna see your face
twist in crooked agony
at the sight of all these horrors
laying dormant in your dreams…..
Jordan May 2013
Alive in a nightmare
Awake in a daydream

putred stench

blood curdling screams

We all belong here but we're dieing

horizon of salvation

road to nowhere

one last call
get your ticket
call home

Tell them you loved them
but now your free

alone and dieing

awake at nighttime
trying to dream
Carmen Jane Jul 2019
Dark days came around the corner,
Little angel had wind kissing her forehead
Metal leaves fall and dented the ground
Gentle steps feathered the clouds

Don't be in a hurry, my child!
Your mom didn't finished your dinner, yet...
Don't wave any of the cars down,
You don't know what evil might lurk inside...

You were destined to end this nonsense,
You were brave enough to call for help,
I hope angels will wipe your tears,
And in heaven you won't know about fears.

You did wave down a car,
As you found the evilest monster of all
He was holding the steering wheel of your life
With his putred hands reeking of  metal rust…

The pain in our hearts is so great
As we know we could have helped you, perhaps
The lesson learned is, don't hesitate a second more
When you know that your actions might count!

Your cells are blended with the sky,
Your tears are blended with the rain,
The green grass whispers your name,
Of a brave angel that had to die..
Muck monster Feb 2016
I move like death.
Silent breath.

Im the monster in every tale.
In the witch, the fiend, even the white whale.

Im wreched and vile to my very core
Im fear, im envy, im so much more

I am the night
I am the light.

Putred, disgusting, my pelt pusses with slime
I'll live through it all and rise straight through the grim

There are more of me. We spread like wildfire
Nothing quite quenching our desire

Ill turn on my brother, it's loyalty i lack
If my eyes wander to a meal behind his back

My hunger ferociously consumes me, Im a slave to its will
it controls how i move, how i breath, when i ****

Ill charm you over with just my grin
Then in just one moment your world will spin

I wont leave your screams, even if u beg

For you see, I live in your home…

                                 …and stand on two legs.
Gary burns Aug 2021
I just don't know  what to do with myself,  so I've taken to living in a shell.
The stench is putred
But it's my new crustaion, away from the nation and people who give me unease , I'll stay here alone in this new home,  survive on the slime on the walls just fine, The previous resident left me

— The End —