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Georgia Curtis Oct 2015
I often ponder sliding off this rock
and float until I find my comfort zone,
my love is greater than the distance,
I call him, "home"
But safety is not a comfort to me,
an anxious kid in sorry soot.
Never free from those that raised me
I wanna prove you wrong but I can do anything but

Weeping willow in disguise,
curse I'll have for the rest of my life
I care too much, but hate myself
my stupid head is giving me hell
this is supposed to be sang but I cant sing so here we go.
Early morning in Putnam county , blue  , pink and yellow sky at daybreak  on a frosty November morning , freezing temperature exposing our breath as we alert the beagles of our presence.......The beagles know !!!!
Shot gun loaded , dogs released into thick Georgia pines and water oaks , depth perception and distance obscured . Within minutes the baying of the hounds begin , long and drawn , further each second filled by high pitched whimpers signaling the start..Song of rural Georgia , my Uncle and I on guard , the pack alerts the hunter of the cottontails arrival ....
We double time in the direction of the baying , the quarry is returning from start ,frozen ground crunching beneath our boots ....The dogs have returned , a single shot is fired and the contest has ended for now but repeated several more times that day....We return red faced from the cold ,  the smell of gunpowder and tobacco . The beagles at rest , we prepare our harvest for a feast at a later date ....Back indoors , coffee and a good day of hunting !

— The End —