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Babu kandula Nov 2016
Everybody we meet in our life

Is for a purspose

That's what am hearing from my childhood

They come like


Unfortunately we cannot tag each and
Everyone into one category

Life is an amalgamation of all
Captured in a spider web of thoughts
Beaux Sep 2017
Droplets commit their suicides against a window
Never reaching the ground they were promised
Leaving the clouds as hope guides them
Believing they have purspose
To help all grow and restore
But the rain didn't know that it had to die
In order for us to live
Tiffany Merkel May 2017
many of us will live and die without ever knowing what our true purpose is.

life is more simple when we are young. we know who we are and what we like.

but what happens?

as age turns to greet us, we begin to look for complicated answers to simple questions.

who are you and what do you love to do?

every child can answer this question without hesitation.

why are there so many adults who then lose this and no longer know who they are and what it is they truly love in this world.

you see,

it is not that the question became more complicated, but rather that we have simply become someone we are not- otherwise the question would still be simple.

the backlash of spending too many hours and days pleasing others and assimilating to this world has led to this great personal downfall of each of us.

we have lost who we truly are and what it is that we were created to do.

it is not complicated. it never has been.

when we each resdicover that inner child who once so confidently answered the question with such zeal- we will once again discover what it is our true path and purspose in life is and has always been.

and the time starts now.

— The End —