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Harpo Rhum Dec 2012
The P inside lifts to shallow pools of thirst and moving pictures.
P is purpose, personality car crashes to park the private Idaho.
A sign of the cross, will not stop P.
Prove it to the pin drop puncture of ****** on heat,
insecure to many tongues dripped in keroscene pantomine.
P is pretty. P is pop. P is pandamonium. P is plucky. P is pink.
Patter, panky, pips, puddle, paraquet, puncuation.
Property is theft Parker, pity, purity, punt, plunder, *****.
Past, paint, pander, pringle, puppy, pesky, pest,
petrol, patrol, pamper, pastel, plunder, pongo, plip plop.
Emily Larrabee Dec 2013
Emily is always right
when shes right she is right
when she is wrong she is right
is it hard to understand???
do not correct me
do not tell me im wrong
just pretend im right.
seriously this isnt a joke
i hate being corrected
it makes me feel dumb
i will find out eventually
just leave it alone
i know i make mistakes
everybody does
its the thought that counts
to me.
So if i get puncuation wrong
or spell a word wrong
just seriously tell me im right
i don't  care if im wrong
i know how to fix my mistakes
i dont need your help
Oh Please
don't fix my mistakes
nothing to do in study hall thought i would write a poem. Does it need anything?? Seriously i know this is about NOT correcting me. But if their is anything i can add to it lemme know. Thanks :P
r0b0t Jul 2014
**** ME
I cannot stand
and people who
^% ****
these bits
of me
littered with
fallen &^&*
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2020
Reel ritors arr knot two
bodered bye bad speling
orr de lac ov puncuation

Dat iz de dome ane ov
wreeders kriticks orr
ped anticks

Wi sey what wi tink anned
arr knot afrade ov beeng

Frei speach iz aul dat
maters whin trute orr
dout a bout lyes iz riten.

— The End —