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natalie Nov 2013
what is wrong with society?

children are crying.
teens are dying.
drug overdoses, suicides.
they cant make up their minds.

smoking dope
they have no hope.

knives are no longer used for food,
now used as  an escape from your mood

dudes are getting nudes.
girls are getting exposed,
there getting called hoes.

she's 8 and crying,
her sisters upstairs dying
not physically but mentally

bullies, insecurities.
all caused by what?
you can be hated, sedated
depressed , stressed, or even  messed.

but in society,
you're only accepted if your well dressed, pretty,
powerful, or successful.

no one will ever care unless you're pretty or dead .
and that's the truth everything that must be said has been said and done.
Maunas Mehta Dec 2020
Living with almost nothing
Yet you always smile
Guide and inspire,

You lived to bring Joy to others
At a sacrifice of your own.

Your wish is our command
But you command by setting an example

You are so humble, pure and innocent
But even more you are our friend and Guru...

Happy birthday, Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Mayths Gonzales Aug 2017
If i have given a chance to run away
I will
Can you come with me?
psm Oct 2013
In a world full of people
Why do i feel so alone.
Nothing no longer feels like home.

maybe its because i am empty,
without you here.

i miss you to much,
you had a clutch on my heart.
since you've left,
im torn apart.

with every image of you in my mind,
im dying.

im trying to forget you and youre stupid face.
your stupid ways,all you ever did was play.

but hey all you ever were was a heartbreaking player,
and thats all you will  ever be.

but a part of me still loves you,
and always will.
natalie Dec 2013
if one day i decide to walk away please dont ask me to stay.
Dont tell me everythings going to be ok,
dont tell me you love me,
dont tell me im crazy.

Dont be sad, just look away.
dont pray, just let the memory of me fade away.

please just move on,
dont listen to our song.

dont ever for once blame yourself,
I am a grenade.

just let my essense fade,
im long gone.

I was never yours to keep,
a wise man once said you know its yours when you lose it and it comes back.

but im not coming back,
i lack the strength,
to own up to my mistakes.

I cant even stand to look at your face,
even though in the end of this hamartia we call love,
I will always adore you..

the only thing left to say is,
im sorry for leaving you in such dismay,
but youll be ok.

lesson learned,
this is why you never fall sad writers like me,
we always walk away leaving you in pain,
then end up writing about the shame
psm Jan 2015
My heart is emptier than the bottle of ***** sitting on my windowsill. And those three words you said to me are burning at my throat again, and god I'm trying to forget you, but your touch is engraved all over my body. I feel it wherever I go. I can't even listen to my favorite songs without the reminder that you're gone. I can't even find beauty in the city lights the way I used to, that euphoric feeling I felt is gone. I guess when you left you took everything that I had. But that's okay because id rather feel nothing without you anyway.
psm Oct 2013
Im drowning deeper and deeper in a dark place,
drifting further and further away from everyone and everything,
god this isnt fun.

where am i?
why am i here?
Im filled with fear.

slowly getting dragged deeper and deeper,
its so hard to breathe in this place.

Trying to get my last glimpse of light,trying to hard to whin this fight.
im loosing it,im loosing grip,

my eyes start to close,
no more luck,
im giving up.
psm Jun 2015
Lonely days, even lonelier nights
Addictions getting worst,and everything really hurts.
Living days and nights in a continuous loop of heartache and emptiness
The euphoria of even looking at the beautiful stars at night it fading faster then my happiness,
Because instead of looking up at the stars and dreaming about brighter things all I can focus on is the black sky, the sad black sky, the blackness that fills me up, the blackness that takes over the good, if there so sick to my **** stomach not even the ***** can burn the pain away so instead I fill my lungs with smoke. Just smoke away the pain. Never lasts though the emptiness will forever remain the same, and ******* I'll never be satisfied with the mess I've made.
KIO Mar 2015
(5) 11:55 11:56 11:57 11:58
the moon rolls out and you're still awake
school starts in 7 hours but it's okay
"I'll just glide through class half asleep, half awake."
(10) did it even occur to you that people care about you more than you think?
like your mom, dad, friends, her or me?
when I say her I mean ya girl because I'm not sure of her name
you've never mentioned her to me until 3/23/15
but **** it, tip buckets, kick rocks cause life zooms in a flash
(15) cause when you're older it won't matter about the money and CASH
I mean it will because everything in America is revolved around money
but at least you'll have good finance and a fine *** honey
sooner or later you will realize who is important
you'll remember that person or phrase that made life seem un-shortened
(20) you'll remember the face that left an imprint in your heart
that every time you see them you would re-meet them from the start
you're mysterious like a plot off of goosebumps
not slimy grimy or gross the part where you get butterflies in your stomach
not sure how that ties in with the series
but it makes sense to me, oddly
(25) you seem like you find euphoria in loneliness, but you probably don't
I'm categorizing you again with my heart of stone
creativity flows within you, I can see it within the hazel
even though I've never seen you face to face, I know I've seen you cause I'm able
right minded, but you talk with your left brain
(30) music whirls within your soul, but you speak like politician, John McCain
great lover I can tell with the way you tweet
I know you love your momma like Norman Stark loves the sea
I know you got sweet talk in between your white teeth
I know that you use it, maybe not towards me
(35) I'll never forget you JPSM, or should I call you jack?
you never told what the PSM meant in fact
or maybe I never asked, or maybe I'll leave it quite mysterious
disclaimer: after you read this line, I'll probably end up deleting this

- k.a.o

— The End —