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Christin Jan 2012
You walk with a cigarette adorning the corner of your mouth
What about you inspires me?
Your dark glasses that taunt my intelligence
My ability to read you
staved off annoyingly like throwing a daisy at a brick wall.
Unlike me, you pick up your feet when you walk,
Refusing the ‘just rolled out of bed shuffle’
You walk with a purposeful air that challenges those who pass you
And dares them to gaze at those shades for eyes coupled with bronze hair that shags out from under your snug hat like a fuzzy carpet which needs cleaning.
Tendrils of smoke intertwine with said hair,
If you were still, they might create together a halo, an aura around your head and add to your not so holy mystery.
But you move on
Always moving
Slipping from the corner of my left eye and sauntering on
On to your profound purpose
Or perhaps one not so purposeful at all.
Maybe you are just strolling to meet another with dark eyes and faded jeans to enjoy a simple white cigarette
Which adorns you both so nicely.
His black devices,
The victim, forever on the rack.
He could play upon them as he choose
Would they arouse him with a throb of agony?

While thus suffering,
The avenger had devoted himself.
Uprose a grisly phantom,
Not just the external presence, but the very soul.

The great judgement day,
That moment of his ecstasy.
Laid his hand upon his chest,
The profoud depth was remarkable, his spirit now withdrawn.

A dark transfiguration,
Brought them a gloomier hour,
Silence out of the abyss of sadness.
The past is gone, and so am I.

Gone, with the Angel of Death.
6 is the absence of anything.. a hole, a chasm, like a black hole
Daniel oh dear
numbers as colours
We heard a passerby say
"soon he will break us out of the simulation"
goodbye( y'all ) pain imma
leave and chayanne
where is your number
sequence oh fool sequence
find landscapes in your mind
shine a bright light
on my face
right movement to left
2 is the drifter
a clap of thunder
to the waves 5 for you
6 is the absence of anything.. a hole, a chasm, like a black hole
i send love totems to the rain man
9 is riding too close to my bumber
daniel's new york city
strange vibes
9's all around
what did daniel see
name the date
Spectra  intersect + overlap
6 is the absence of anything.. a hole, a chasm, like a black hole
Thank you daniel
They say its
not human.
profound talent profoud disablity
thin red line
thin red line
This man is infinitely more interesting.
Important than the degenerate,
chronically-diseased bunch of freaks
that Hollywood and the mainstream media
vomits down on us.
6 is the absence of anything.. a hole, a chasm, like a black hole
dust Sep 2021
Some days will be mundane
and some will be profoud
All I know for sure is I will
love you through all of it
Joseph Zenieh Aug 2019
Joy is what you seek in  life.
It's imagined you can find
in success or through a job
that can fill your money bag.

Safes and pockets are filled with
what is called some untold wealth.
Glorious terms are poured on you,
but your goal is out of view.

Inner voice is heard aloud,
"There is something more profoud.
You can't touch with hand but feel
it's endowed to make you grand.

"Once you get it, you feel life's
cheerful with no death to spoil.
You love all, creatures and beings.
Nothing your clear blood can roil."

— The End —