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Tag Williams Apr 2011
poetry is not on my mind
young ladies, younger than my daughters
one in particular
sitting just across the table from
from this old perv
at the pretlow branch library
Well, I feel like one
today. A nice amount of cleavage
it's evolution
men were made to peek
but I feel greasy like an old hot dog
sitting in the sun roasting and frying
and there is this thing on a chain
just hanging there like the
***** for any old perv
like me to look at and try
to figure
what it is
Got it
it's an anchor
weighing me down
keeping me dead in the water
but it brightened up my day
Tag Williams Apr 2011
I was going to share a poem
today written by a famous poet
with brilliant use of language
great rhyme and rhythm,
funnier than a trunk full of elephants
wiser than a milliion monkeys
and the word phizzog no where to
be found.
But I left the book containing
this prize winner at home
sitting on my bed open to page 77
now that I'm on the internet
at the pretlow branch library
I can't remember the poet,
the poem, just a page number
and Garrison Keillor
must have been some good poem

— The End —