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Steve D'Beard Jun 2014
We, the people of this country, in your eyes are:

babblers, bachelors, bafflers, baiters, barkers,
beakers, beaters, brawlers, blamers, beggars,
bloaters, bloopers, bombers, boozers, blunders,
bruisers, bafflers, bluffers, burglars and burners.

That's why you feel compelled to keep your foot on our heads
keep us down, put us down, push us down
subjugate us, belittle us, berate us.

We, the people of this country, in our eyes are:

butlers, bouncers, bakers, buyers, barbers,
cake-makers, delivery-takers, cocktail-shakers,
taxi drivers, cancer survivors, employers and hirers,
music makers, entertainers, window washers, foster takers,
plasterers, carpenters, scaffolders, sparks and builders,
boxers, carers, coaches, tailors, shoe makers,
designers, illustrators, multi-language facilitators,
dog walkers, dog trainers, bikers and cycle couriers,
doctors and nurses and all the emergency services.

We are the People, the reason you are where you are now
you sometimes forget that we exist as people, somehow
locked in your ivory towers with gold plated showers
and MP expenses and investment banker pretenses
this is not theater, its real life drama, its not just a bluff
its time to stand up
and say enough is enough.
Inside of your head
      Every little detailed memory and picture
Float about the wandering waters of you personality
I see flashes of you spray across the waves
    What used to be you
You've changed now
The happiness that used to be so vibrant is now as dull as the blade you've used one too many times

It's quite when I see it
    your happiness
It's naked and sniffling in the corner
As soon as your happiness sees me it widens it's cloudy eyes.
"Do you need help?" I say with a small step forward
Surprise flashed on its face
Before draining away
I see it happening agin
Your pride is stepping up
It begins to pick at it's already chewed nails-just like you do when your lying

It looks up at me and plasterers on a faux smile and says with a trembling confidence

"I'm fine"
Terry Collett Jun 2013
You used to sit
on the cross beams
drilling holes through
for the wiring

circa 1965
on some building site
where Clifton
had left you

with the tools
for the jobs
he wanted done
hand drill

and enough electric cable

to reach
the North pole
in the background
transistor radios

were blasting out
pop music
Bob Dylan
the Beatles

The Rolling Stones
and here and there
other guys
plasterers and painters

and bricklayers
all doing their job
when and where
they could

and you wondered if Clifton
would remember
to pick you up
after work or if

you'd have to get
the bus home spending
your own money
which he seldom repaid

(the tight ***)
but sometimes
you thought of Judith
and what

she was doing
and whom
she was seeing now
thinking back

to the  days
when she was yours
the bright days
the days you spent

by the pond
(which she
called the lake)
the kissing

the loving
the sun over
the pond
making shadows

and bright places
or the days at school
on the sports field
after recess

her words
her wisdom
her bright eyes
and smile lingering

as you bored the hole
in another cross beam
yours hands aching
from the constant turning

and Dylan singing
Blowing in the Wind
from some transistor
across the way

another hole to bore
another boring day.
Kurt Philip Behm Feb 2018
A twelve year old boy  
  stands covered in ‘mud’

What the plasterers call

His Grandfather came
  and offered a job
For each hour,
  he’d pay fifty cents

The buckets were heavy,
  the scaffolding high

As he kept those mortar boards

And at the end of that summer,
  more man than a boy

With new confidence
—his future to cull

(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2018)
Big Virge Jun 2021
Which One Are You Really From ?
By This I Mean... “ Where “...
Do You Think That You BELONG... ?!!!?
In A Home of WEALTHY Heirs...  
Or A Home That's Seen As STRONG... !!!
Strong Because It REJECTS Wrong... !!!!!
And Acts That Lack DISCIPLINE That Maps...
Ways For You To Stay ON TRACK...
And... OFF THE Crack... !!!!!
A House of FACTS...  
REJECTS The Plans......
That Encompass BAD... !!!!
But... Who Is BAD... ?
And Who's ALL THAT... ?!?
The... “ Average Man “...
With The Average Plan...  
Whose House Is Plain...
Cos' He DOESN’T Get Paid...
A... GARGANTUAN Wage.... !!!
Like.... " Marty Kaan' "....
Now There's A Guy...
Whose... “ House of LIES “...
And Being.................. “Sly”... !!!
PARTING Thighs To Get Deals Signed...  
For A Monetary Prize...
That's HIGHER Than SKIES... !!!
Where Starships FLY... !!!!!!
Do You FIT IN... “ There “... ?!?
Where Souls Get... SNARED... !!!
Because They... “ Choose “...
To Make... “ DARK Moves “... !!!
That's RIGHT Kinda' Like...
... " Frank Underwood "... !!!
Yup... ANOTHER Dude... !!!!!
Whose Moves Are CRUDE... !!!
When It Comes To His DESIRE...
NO MATTER What COST... !!!!!
He Must Pay To Be THE BOSS... !!!
WITHOUT  James Brown... ?!?
And FUNKY Sounds... !!!
He's Got Some FUNK... !!!
But It STINKS Like SKUNKS... !!!!!
So His House Is... " Kinda Low "...
A Place Where DEMONS Go... !!!  
So Are These TV Shows...
Just SHOWING How Some Folks...
Make Houses Into Homes... ?!?
Where Lies Create The Mould...
For... Stories To Be TOLD... ???
That Then Receive APPLAUSE...  
Well Much Like Jordan Belfort... !!!
It Seems That Wolves DO ROAM... !!!!!
In Homes And Business Zones... !!!!!
Where It Seems To Be Quite EASY...
To Become One Whose ******... !!!!!
Whose Movements Are UNEASY... !!!
And Likely To... FALL FLAT...
Because Your House Has CRACKS...  
That Plasterers CAN’T HIDE... !!!!!
Somewhat Like... “ House of Lies “...
Or HOUSES Made From CARDS... !!!!!
With Movements That Are DARK... !!!
Dramas That Leave MARKERS...
About Heads Who Are HEARTLESS... !!!!!!
Because Their Homes ARE THOSE...
Where Souls Are QUICKLY Sold... !!!!
DON'T Doubt That There Are People...
Whose Lives ARE FILLED With EVIL... !!!!
Just Ask Spacey or Cheadle'... !!!!!
It's CRAZY How... "Deceitful"...
Some People REALLY ARE... !!!!!
People... Who LACK Heart...  
Whose Houses Fall APART... !!!
Because They Move Like SHARKS... !!!!!
From Politics Where Heads Use WHIPS... !!!
To Corporate Biz FILLED With Racists...
Who NEVER Show How They REALLY ROLL... !!!
UNLESS The Price Can Buy Them Homes...
Right By Coastlines In.... MONACO.... !!!
I Prefer Those From UP ABOVE... !!!!!
Houses That ARE FILLED With LOVE... !!!!!
It's All A JOKE The Things They Quote...
About Being STRONG When What They DO...  
Breeds.... SO MUCH WRONG... !!!!!
So My Question Is THIS.......
When It Comes To...
The House In Which YOU LIVE...
Is It One Where You BELONG... ?!?
Because If It... IS...
" Which One Are You Really From ? "...
Mainly inspired by watching, House of Lies, House of Cards, and The Wolf of Wall Street, and as we've now seen, Kevin Spacey's actual life, may not have been so far removed, from the character he played, called Frank Underwood !

— The End —