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Lawrence Hall Jul 2018
Pontius Pilate was probably being flippant
When he asked of a prisoner, “What is truth?”

But he was an administrator, and so
He possibly did not know
Your ‘umble scrivener’s site is:
It’s not at all reactionary, tho’ it might be drivel.
Victor Marques Dec 2009
When my heart cries for,
On my cross of despair.
I look at my door,
And Jesus is out there…

Easter is sharing Christ with pain
Quietly and soft words will remain,
Pilatus and the roman’s still complain,
His death was not in vain….

To believe is a shadow with lights,
Christ for us still fights.
Easter remember us for the second life,
You could be rich, poor or bright.

Victor Marques
- From Network, wine and people....
Kelsey Dec 2014
Neil young speaks over the radio,
helpless, helpless, helpless.
something in me is ignoring the intoxication,
and rejecting relief from an untamed mind.
but the floor looks like a ceiling in here,
so i know theres enough danger
in my blood to flood the red sea.

all these many deceptions
just running gleefully through my veins.
         and i am
                 finally back
         in Lucerne.
The early morning gray that hovers
over the ambient light
settles in my stomach,
with all of the other toxins,
but that light--
that light is not strong enough to travel
the static air above the clouds where
Pilatus sits, littered with broken windmills
and snow caps in july
its peaks white with my tomorrow.
there is nothing like this wind
that will soon ******* away soon,
into a new love.
To a city that enjoys my drunken presence less,
where i might get the urge to run again,
but inevitably disappear into a collective disaster,
and into men who have fewer things to love with their eyes.

all these symphonic shifts in my pulse
as the universe chuckles
at my attempt
to be a part

lucerne, your hot smoke hues will
soon be missed once again
as my blood spikes with every word.
Long Term Solution

It has come to my attention that the moon is capable growing green
bananas, goats and sheep but not cattle as they emit too much gas
into the planet's thin surface can live there.
if we send refugees there as pioneers they are forbidden to smoke
tobacco although, to the great surprise to the first moon lander found
an empty packet of Camel which of course was planted there by young
Putin to blame the USA. Also should the Settlers who make life difficult for
the Palestinians, should run out of land to a new Jerusalem can be built
in one of the moon's craters.
Europe has like Pontus Pilatus washed her delicate hands of the refuge
problem let us construct spaceships that must be paid for by migrants,
but beware they can one day switch off the light.
Sand in your eyes
Full moon tonight a supernova to sound educated,
last time was in 1948 when the catastrophe hit
The Palestine people I was twenty at the time and
believed what paper said.
Even Folke- Bernadotte's killing in the hands of a fanatical
Jew  was overlooked, they had suffered so much and
secretly there was a relief to have the bothersome race
shifted to another place
Were your hands, Pontius Pilatus
Communists and Fascist were jubilant holding hands
And dancing in the street. Now that we have Muslims to
contend with a minaret is not enough they want the lot,
the Jews are remembered fondly they were happy with
a synagogue, a school, and our banking system.
Return children of Israel you are fake Jews anyway from
a tribe in Tyrkia, and there is no blood relation between and
the ancient Jews it is a Zionist construction
Sand in your eyes

Full moon tonight, a supernova to sound educated
last time was in 1948 when the catastrophe hit the Palestine people.
I was twenty at the time and believed what the papers wrote.
Even the killing of Folke Bernadotte by a fanatical Jew was overlooked hadn´t they suffered enough,
the Hebrew people it was a relief the bothersome people left Europe, the whisperers said.
Where are your hands, Pontius Pilatus?
Now we have killings in Paris and minarets, Europe has a Muslim
problem and no one dance in the street anymore.

— The End —