These days pass
at Zeppelin pace
I wonder about the sea
what's down deep beneath
have you ever looked at a tree
an old, almost ancient tree
and thought of roots ...
followed the roots down
until you are above ground
somewhere far more foreign
than anywhere here
and what blossoms
opposite the roots
confounds you
you wake up sweaty
a hundred years older
but not a day
shows on your face
not a single trace
of travel
yet you know
you've gone
Moving on is hard
at first
cause you cling
cling, to the dream
or what you surrender
to your mind is a dream
and you're back
back to the task
whatever it may be
but 20 leagues below
the sea of your soul
you remain confounded
at what blossoms
below the roots we
see as trees
and for a second
here where we
capture time
and make it march
we see ourselves
scattered like atoms
on a cosmic beach
winking at stars
who watch us shine
By: Jack Piatt