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david badgerow Nov 2011
i smoke cigarettees too **** much.
this is how you know nothing original will be said in this poem.

i use cigarettes as a social crutch.

i don't know about you
but when i'm in the mood to be honest
i'll tell you
i smoke cigarettes because
i want to be 'cool'.

because let's be honest:
i can't think of
a poet
a musician
an actor
an olympic swimmer
a hockey player
a president
a priest
a ****
a serial killer
or a psychiatrist
that's worth mentioning
that did not smoke

yes, i know you can
and go ahead,
but let me first
make a point instead

let me be honest,
if i can smoke a cigarette
and maybe be alone for
5.75 minutes
then maybe
a thought will occur to me
something outside this ******* world
and it will be good enough to write down,
just maybe.

let me be honest
i don't need you
with your judgemental eyes
and your cursory glances
walk away from me
at a party
i don't miss you
i am with her.

i garauntee if you asked
about their actual relationship with smoking tobacco
they would have similiar descriptions.

but go ahead, tell me
about the hazardous effects of cigarettes
let's talk about the cancer
and the tar
and the disgusting phlem
that i will constantly have to eject
from my throat-hole
when i'm fifty.

go ahead, tell me about
******* people over
and ripping their minds out
and the sickness
and the disease
and how it's all so wrong.
it's as amusing to me as it is to you.
Mcdonald's will **** you.
Pall Mall will **** me.
Oh prairies of paradise,

why do you dwindle in our grasp?

Do you not want to share in our expansion

of democratic duty?

What would you consider the proper path,

my plants scathed in acidic dew.

Do you feel the life leave the soil?

When your roots are outstretched for a water bed no longer located under you,

will you weep your petals knowing what is to come?

I weep for you prairies.

When smoke stacks stick from our lips

do you choke on the phlem expelled from our lungs,

tempting your wilted parts?

(There is water in there, just break it down with your

leaves and find the pieces you need.)

How rational do you view these rationalities?

Oh prairie please remember we care for your beauty,

but care not how it will stay. (How long will you wait?)

You have fought mother nature,

her winds and worst droughts,

but not knowing father time,

can you comprehend the offspring that is depleeting

and cheating you?

Will you weep when the bugs stop scratching your stems?

I weep as the bees leave and the beetles begin to belch

from their green guts after ingesting your roots...

for I know what is to come.

I weep for you prairies.

When blossoms are only pictures on walls,

you will unfortunately, be too soon forgotten.

I do not wish to deliver morose messages,

only to express to the winds in my ears

that I too, howl, and push through

(sometimes a destructive path, )

forever challenging and constantly changing.

Priairies, I too will one day wilt,

my memory too soon forgotten,

My prairies, I weep for you tonight.
Senor Negativo Aug 2015
I am the sear of steam
I am the blackness of the pit
I am the killer of mothers
I am a dull razor
I am a red dirt nightmare
I am an unyielding cruel desert
I am a black and white, dead fire
I am one of many hated
I am the naked winter branch
I am the teeth of the serpent
I am the dry and desolate plains
I am the bile bitter phlem, you spit out
You will hate me
In the flicker of an eyelid
You hate me
As the hail pounds everything
back into he dust.
Jack R Fehlmann Oct 2018
A little less heavenly grey
Tickling the wayward layman
Inticed through and through
Though thought comes exponential
A stark contrast to the fabric maiden
No flesh to be held as fragrance teases
To unending yearning brightly ignites
Very raNdom mind pours these lines
From and for my boredom
Whilst ou on the devices blink confused
Sorry if I wasted you time..
Goodbye then.

— The End —