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Mateuš Conrad Aug 2018
let's have a game of reverse-phraseology....

man up...

   hmm... let's see what i can conjure
up, within this, gender-neutrality...

how about...

  that old english saying...

buckle down,
    buckle up / knuckle down?
  (i never know which
is the correct phrase -
clench your hand into a fist,
or lose weight -
   or, tighten them
for a bumpy ride).

   take the knuckles
to the grit / sandpaper

   how's that?

any bwetter?
   oh ooh um, ah...
            i thought these people
were into gender neutral pronouns...
which, oddly, enough,
have to also be singular and plural
last time i checked: they...
referred to a plural description
of gender neutrality, to begin with...

but hell! ha ha ha ha ha!
we can play this game, all day,
and all night, long...

       but NOW, for a wild idea...
how can you enforce the adrenaline
junk from being stabbed,
not anticipating a stabbing?

i guess... i guess you have to heat
up the knife...
   so there's a warm butter sensation
ascribed to the flesh...
  i like that word...
     i can almost imagine
a slaughterhouse,
   with raw pork in full attire of
a corpse, dangling off the hooks...

and that believable scent,
outside of a Parisian perfume factory
attached: what if i fried this,
exponent of a gutted pork torso?

- and why isn't bush-meat
prohibited in the Qu'ran?
    pork? the most economically constructed
animal in the history of:
anti-vegeterianism anti-veganism...

      rats are, apparently, omnivores...
my neighbor owns four albino rats,
saved from a testing laboratory...
seen one ******, scuttle the garden
looking for a labyrinth
to be experimented on...

oh i love the tease of policing language...
man up contra
            buckle down...
you just sizzle...
   imitating a rattlesnake with
your tongue on trilling the R
with that kind of ****...
   you really end up wanting to poke,
and poke...
    at this sort of genesis phraseology...
with either a reversion,
or an inversion...

i'd prefer you to allow me to exercise
my right for compelled speech,
in which "manning up" is degraded
from the casual phraseology attainment,
and that the old school
english buckling down
is used...

      man? up? there's nothing copernican
about that expression...
please... can you excuse
my politically correct counterpart
to be allowed a phraseology blunder?

we too, are for gender neutrality
in... bashing a man down...
   we call "them" the brash knuckles
brushing off of preconceived
sexuality indicators...

    no blue boy, no pink girl...
no tractor boy, no Barbie girl...
               but there is no...
  "manning up"...
running low... on thought -
or whatever the once glorified
moral ought used to be...
   mahatma mah'gandhi -
liked the name for one reason...
see how the H appears and disappears
in the nouns?
   it's there's at mahatma...
but... turned surd in gand(h)i...
   i don't even know why it's not a surd
in (h)indi -
   so blue blue, i'm blue...
extensive culinary and musical
traditions kept them afloat,
from biting the razor,
   when drowning...
   and not, exactly, opening
      the oompa-loompa casinos.
J Aug 2017
Crossed Eyex and I'm
Riding high,
No food for a few dayx,
I'm tied down hard,
Pushing corridors,
To avoid warx,
And keep my
Waiting the clock down,
Count down.
Face up my handx dealt,
Townx end,
I'm fortune,
To have NO friendx,
Never Again I say man.
**** ..... With the friendx I've had,
I don't need enemies man.
There must be a place thatx got better committed peoplez,
That are EVIL .... And I think to myself,
**** man .... This is way too hard,
Doing on my OWN . Ain't an easy road,
I slow right down again.
Think ..... this is wonderful man,
I have plenty of time to do nothing,
With so much surveillance.
I STILL .    ...     . have no idea why?
Spiex?      Why?     Why so many???
Therez plenty of thingz people could do other than checking on me and what the **** I be doing .....
..... Therex plenty to do,
Without theivex, ratx and snitchex,
******* up my existence.
Bitchex .. Nothing better to do?????
I ain't never seen this **** in my life man. .... . I still wonder what the **** is wrong with people.
And why me.

— The End —