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The age of Ecumenism
has established
its worldly victory.

The ordainment severed,
now satan is joined
with our lord.

The past a problem;
not a history lesson.

Come oh benevolent dictator
and take our Lord
to Rome.

© S. Wesley Mcgranor
brandon nagley May 2015
A ring,
Soo many give one without thinking twice,
A king,
A queen,
Is there no wrong nor any right?
A bolter I hold at the end of the stick,
Tired ripped, shot down as me.
Burdened fish to thine sea,
Oh creator? Didst thou maketh me one?
I am thy own son, yes?
Bypass all the rest, for I will find one brand new,
A brand of secretive muse, a piracy smuggled in..
To cleanse me from sin's, external, and  internal put..
Eyes to see all miracolous, no more plankness of soot.
Boreal freshness to tease this European glosser,
For dare I wish , this I do mindful reader..
Immaculate soother, one to bare these holes in hands,
To take this crown of thorns, as I.
For no saint I am.
I want no cathode, but the exact alike,
Where thou giveth her thine life, and the return comes full payment,
I want no show, I seek no entertainment,
But as a priest in ordainment,
I seek a high chemical capsules cannot plot you.
A spirit see through,
Transparent as thy ghost!!!!!!
A special toast of winding hills, and pickled thoughts,
Where nothings sold nor lost, but catheter to ways unknown!!!
Excreta to flow from our kisses, as our lips grown close by stitches, and hands go glued by palms...
A father and dame, a betwixting so tame, nothing worldly can  be so exclusive!
I want one who shall exude me,
To move me,
To shake me in earthquake foundation's....
One of spiraled radiation.
i no longer
measure my life
in the length of time
between sunset and sunrise
every moment of my life is spent
in anticipation of your eyes

theres truly no sating
or abating
this deep craving
of light
whose sole source
is your soul

i feel
a need for you
beyond control
or containment
its like a form of ordainment
to feel the blessing of your presence
what can i say?
i am addicted to your effervecsence
Sid Eli A Oct 2024
Laying there with my bruises exposed
"I'm sorry sweetheart this must of been going on for a while, I am so so sorry" as he puts needles inside my mouth and stitches me up
The feeling of a doctor apologizing to me, for what I went through for 11 months feels so vacant in my heart.
How could I have been so stupid, this is humiliating, you're sorry and so am I.
I'm so sorry that this happened to me too, but I am also wishing wallowing and weeping over the mere fact that we called each other "twin" we were only a day a part. Your parents are visiting and we were suppose to go to Eugene and have fun. I was his "forever explosion" as he stated it. "Explosion" as in my behavior always filled with anxiety stress and fear symbolizing the downfall of what it is now.
Laying on a hospital bed not knowing where I am going next.
As I reflect on who I am...
I am a nurturer and I now realize I was enabling, my love was enabling his bad behavior? What? How could I possibly....yea its all my fault. You did this Sid. No one else. Its all on you. You are here for a reason "you are the one out of control".
Beep beep beep
Just checking your blood pressure
"Am I getting out of here soon?"
"We are waiting for the police" the nurse states "you cannot just go back there without them".
15 hours go by, no sign of any of his concern or "are you ok" I wonder what these hours felt for you.
"I filled all your belongings up with garbage bags you can see them outside when you're out of the hospital"
My soul is wrecked. I just kept trying and trying to avoid conflict.
Every waking day I woke up in fear with tears in my eyes wanting it all to be over with.
What life is that?
Tears rushing down my face, **** me off. Why should I be the one crying.
When they took you away I did not know how to feel, I told them I did not want to see.

Now I'm here and you are no where and my life is starting all over.
I am free of agony, I am free of those fears, I am free trying to resolve any conflict that may arise late at night while you are drunk. I no longer have to hear ***** fat **** ***** loser mentally ill crazy loser a no one, a *******, stupid, useless, just someone to use and not care or love for, how my dad is dead and how my mother is fat, how I have no real friends and the online community I have are pathetic.

I hate alcohol. I hate what it does to people. "Dont listen to what I say when I'm mad I say every possible thing to harm you".
But even without it, people
are just people
filled with their own trauma
filled with their own lies they tell themselves to get by
People like that, that hurt others over love
Never experience true love or happiness
They just live, emotionless, can to mouth, sports in the eyes, the click of the remote.
You say you are a poet, but your poetry *****.
Not to say mine doesn't.

Remember when I bought all of your books? Read them outloud to my friends. I was so proud I finally found someone who "cares" for me.

But once you tossed that Christmas ordainment out the window like it was nothing, made me realize one day that ordainment will be me.

— The End —