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K Balachandran Oct 2013
In her cryptic words
a thoughtful owl,
proclaimed aloud
secrets never known;
the horn bill was loud
in registering his objections.
Let it be hidden,  he said
like jewels in the folds of rocks,
only ones who searches deserves it.
The forest went still
the next moment;
a harmonious silence resulted,
the tussle, in it was dissolved.
The night--
quickly took over,
spread it's net of noises
inter spaced with silence-
that engulfed all discords,
orchastrated it as music,
then wrapped up everything
in darkness opaque.
Darkness holds the silence
The abyss has been staring
Not beckoning; apathy
Such is our worth
Just stardust in the wind

Swirls, a song doesn't sing
Leaves fall with only a breath
Crickets mate, but not chirp
Loose floorboard move
Squicklessly beneath feet

Instruments play furiously
Pages are turned, flipped
Orchastrated harmony
A crowd plays for a crowd
Applauding in silence

An accident in time
Cars flip, moving slow
Horrifyingly in frame
Metal ripping flesh
No one says a word

Clouds hang dark, heavy
Leviathans crisscrossing the sky
Lightning flashes battles between
Expecting thunderous booms
That never come, still landing

One of millions, upon millions
Spinning around stars
Flinging dust here and there
A roller coaster crashing
Giving voice to the noise

Insects on a planet's bowl
The sky, heavens well above
Aren't not listening
They simply are working
Spinning threads from lives

Ants don't worry the clouds
Climbing over themselves
Concerned only with their bits
Digging and building, constantly
Never looking up, nary a sound

Planets collide, building rocks
Striking comets from dust
Gases drift, twinkling bits
Orbits decay and sway
From holes, explode

Just floating in the sea
Maybe my hair drifts
Like my thoughts, or bits
Where the current slides me
Water covers my ears

I watch the bowl of the sky
Laying on, in its marble
As it rolls down a slow drain
In to a ball of burning fire
On the outskirts of silence
Nick Mar 2019
Feeling weak,
Any amount of "sleep",
Being meek,
No matter how long I'm at rest,
Having the world today,
Beat the **** out of Me,
Kick me down,
Then turn around,
And tell me not to frown,
I tell myself,
To drown,
Drown them out,
Ignore them,
But it gets worse,
Now they are yelling,
And im yelling back,
But they dont like that,
They want me to be
Another cog in their machine,
Of suffering and ignorance,
They want me to be
To not see,
To not question,
To not think,
I refuse,
Trying to stand fast,
But alas,
In my heart,
Through my stubbornness,
And perception,
I'll lose this fight,
The same way we all do,
By fading away,
At the end of our time,
Orchastrated or Natural.
Thinking about the world today, all its lies and secrets, and felt like writting something about it.

— The End —