I could've had a million likes
And American Apparel
And too many OMGs, and BTWs to count
More GORGs, PERFs than money can buy
And LMAOs, and STFUs that reach beyond infinity
And two katrillion followers
And "friends"
All of 'em,
Even the ones I don't know.
What do I have?
No American Apparel
2 "friends"
And never any GORGs
And 34 followers
But I have more friends than you can count
And all of my *** PERFs come from the heart
In other forms
Like you're so smart
You are beautiful
Wanna hang out
And smiles
Eyes that look like snakes
Yes, I have no ILYs or IMYs.
Instead, I have
I love yous
I miss yous.
And I am happy.
And that is what really matters.