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Cin Nov 2012
Awaiting the arrival of a new day, emotions fluctuating ceaselessly. Cross legged on my fortress, I smile and stretch as my mind is full of linguistically witty poetry of Mr. Ohara.
Perhaps tomorrow shall  be a brighter day with new promises and feelings that will bring me temporary relief.
Temporary relief seeing as nothing is ever permanent. It's the darnedest thing, isn't it?
The uncertainty of it all.
We learn to accept.
We learn to keep going on.
KD Miller Jul 2015

"I mean I just don't get excited
anymore, you know?"
but even that
statement drains all the life out of me,
grabs a spot in my ribs, twists it, pulls it out like a dandelion ****.

I decide walking on 3rd avenue in
a Brooklyn neighborhood that I don't
need energy anymore
or, I've been doing well with the scant
supplies I have of it.

The day before, blow dried hair sticking to my neck because the windows are locked,
I had listened to the radio
Billie Holliday: oh lover man where can you be?

I know **** well where mine is,
unfortunately across the hudson
but I think I am happy for him because
any sane person would be otherwise in
princeton after a while

I count and recount the oaks and pines outside my house and the cardinals and bluejays and mocking birds, try to find something, don't find it,

Read a book, and I yell to myself:
"'That’s funny! there’s blood on me.'
- Frank Ohara."
KV Srikanth Mar 2021
First day First show
3 pm the time
Leading men
3 of them
Name above the title
Only one familiar a little

Hero of the picture
No clue for me or any other
Seats empty
Who is he ?

Chaos and confusion
Prevailed in fusion
Only one question
Exit the theater or
Enter the Dragon

Dad did the Math
His brain and heart
Contradict each
Heart wants to view
Brain wants to skip
Went with his heart

All set to enter
The hall of the theater
Doorman time bang on
Trickled in one by one

Time till screen parted
Next seat guys ranted
The audience sat clueless
Fearful of the content
Open mind not the intent

My father took a call
That we all exit the cinema hall
We give the film 10 minutes in all
To judge if it has the wearwithall

Screen parted
Scene started
Warner brothers logo
Proved the film was from a big studio

Shot of Shaolin
The film begins
Frames pass by
Time in a freeze

A hero never before seen
Speed of lightning
What was happening
Intellect interpreting vision
Next scene already begun

Empty seats stare
Surround sound roars
Dragon tunes never
Heard before

Father in a state of shock
From Silent era had seen it all
World weary in movie history
After this show
No more empty gallery

All the words
In his vocabulary
He used to shower Glory
On the quality of the movie

Hyperkinetic film
Unfolding from within
Philosophy and Action
Very rare combination

Martial Arts
Debut of sorts
Battle with Ohara
Blink and miss
Dont blink still miss
200 miles an hour
Fists and kicks
Glued to their seats
Marvelled at the feats

More fights
One better than the other
Brilliant combat
Till end of time
Never to forget

Name of Weapon
Till then no clue
Use of Nunchaku
Suddenly everyone knew

End Credits Rolling
Tears of joy flowing
Right call not to exit
Never again an empty seat

Tricked in Stormed out
Usually it's the other way about
Exit the hall
Straight to the car
Usual norm
Exit the theater
Back to the box office counter
To again view the phenomenon
Enter the Dragon

The film had a run
That did not seem to end
Every viewer stunned
Only to again Return
Father no exception
Most watched film of every generation
Till the same theater released
The Return of the Dragon
KV Srikanth Feb 2022
World Professional Karate Champion
Chuck Norris' partner and friend
Did 3 films with Bruce Lee
The character of OHara
Named after Bruce' s friend Mitsui Uheyara
Left a lasting impression
In our hearts and minds
The scar on the face and a demanour lacking grace
Wonderfully he potrayed
A great Fighter and Teacher
Will be remembered forever
He left us leaving a void
But can still see him in the cinema halls
Will be missed by all his fans
Those born today will know of him soon
The movies gave him the immortality boon

— The End —