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Richard Riddle Jun 2015
Written approximately1890-1899 by American poet Will Carleton, and is shown as it appeared in the Sacramento Daily Union Newspaper on July 15, 1899. Even in his elder years, my grandfather, Odis Riddle, could recite this word for word, and not skip a beat, mesmerizing all of us grandchildren that had gathered around his chair for the performance.


"If the weary crowd is willing, I've a little word to say of a lightning-rod dispenser that dropped down on me one day; with a poem in his motions,; with a sermon in his mien, with hands as white as lilies, and a face uncommon clean. No wrinkle had his vestments and his  linen glistened white, and his new-constructed necktie was an interesting sight; Which I almost wished his razor had made red that white-skinned throat, and the new-constructed necktie had • composed a hangman's knot. Ere he brought his sleek-trimmed carcass for my women folks to see and his rip-saw tongue a-buzzin' for to gouge a **** in me.

But I couldn't help but like him, as I always think i must, The gold of my own doctrine in a fellowheap of dust, When I fired my own opinions at this person, round by round, they drew an answering volley of a very similar sound; I touched him on religion, and the hopes my heart had' known; he said he'd had experiences quite similar of my own. I told him of the doubtin's that made dark my early years; he had laid awake till morning with that same old breed of fears; I told him of the rough path I hoped to heaven to go, he was on that ladder, only just a round below. I told him of my visions, of the sinfulness of gain, he had seen the self same picters, tho' not quite so clear and plain;

Our politics was different, at first he galled and winced. But I arg'ed him so able, he was very soon convinced. And, 'twas getting toward the middle cf a hungry summer day, There was dinner on the table, and I asked him would he stay? And he sat down among us, everlasting trim and neat. And asked a short, crisp blessing, almost good enough to eat; Then he fired upon the mercies of our Great Eternal Friend, and gave the Lord Almighty a good, .first-class recommend; And for full an hour we listened to this sugar-coated scamp, Talking like a blessed angel—eating like a blasted *****.

\My wife, she liked the stranger, smiling on him warm and sweet, (It always flatters women when their guests are on the eat), and he hinted that some ladies never lose their early charms. And kissed her latest baby and received it in his arms.

My sons and daughters liked him, for he had progressive views, And chewed the quill of fancy, and gave down the latest news: And I couldn't help but like him, as I fear I always must, The gold of my own doctrine, in a fellowheap of dust.

He was spreading desolation through a piece of apple pie, when he paused and looked upon us with a tear in his off-eye. and said. O, happy family! your blessings make me sad: You call to mind those dear ones that in happier days I had, a wife as sweet as this one; a babe as bright and fair; a little girl with ringlets, like that one over there; I worshiped them too blindly! My eyes with love were dim! God took them to His own heart and now I worship Him. But had I not neglected the means within my way, Then they might still be living, and loving me to-day.  

.-.• One night there came a tempest; the thunder peals were dire; The clouds that tramped above us were shooting bolts of fire; In my own house, I, lying, was thinking to my blame. How little I had guarded against those shafts of flame. When crash! through roof and ceiling the deadly lightning cleft. And killed my wife and children, and only I was left. Since that dread time I've wandered, and naught for life have cared, Save to save other's loved ones, whose lives have yet been spared; Since then, it is my mission, where'er by sorrow tossed, To sell to virtuous people good lightning rods—at cost."

" With sure and strong protection I'll clothe your buildings o'er, 'Twill cost you fifty dollars (perhaps a trifle more), What little else it comes to at lowest price I'll put, (You signing this agreement to pay so much per foot). I signed it, while my family all approving stood about. And dropped a tear upon it (but it didn't blot it out).

That very day with wagons came some men, both great and small; They climbed upon my buildings just as if they owned 'em all. They hacked 'em and they hewed 'em, much against my loud desire, They trimmed 'em up with gewgaws, and they bound 'em down with wires:

They trimmed 'em and they wired 'em and they trimmed and wired 'em still, t And every precious minute kept a-run-nlng up the bill. My soft spoke guest a-seeking, did I rave and rush and run; He was supping with a neighbor, just a-three mile further on. "Do you think," I fiercely shouted, "that I want a mile o' Wire, To save each, separate hay-coclc out of heaven's consuming fire? Do you think to keep my biuldin's safe from some uncertain harm, I'm going' to deed you over all the balance of my farm?"
He looked up quite astonished, with a face devoid of guile. And he pointed to the contract with a reassuring smile. It was the first occasion that he disagreed with me, But he held me to that paper with a firmness sad to see; And for that thunder story ere the rascal i finally went, I paid two hundred dollars, if I paid a single cent. And if any lightning rodder wants a dinner dialogue. With the restaurant department of an enterprising dog, Let him set his mill a-runnin' Just Inside my outside gate, And I'll bet two hundred dollars that he won't have long to wait.
Mateuš Conrad Sep 2024
better than Mozart: sorry: who is Taylor Swift
who is Mozart:
Edie on the phone: snoring... crackle sweeter
than pop...
i'm thinking about music...
but then i read some Zhuangzi
chapter 18 reaching...
teaching: ultimate happiness...
brook ziporyn
hackett publishing company, inc
indianapolis / Cambridge...
like Freud 2.0
this psychoanalysis...
mighty long session
she's sleeping and i'm writing
my parents distraught
she knows that by snoring
she's talking to me in her sleep:
she scribbles:
like she's pretending to be alseep:
but all Christian all Darwin
like Morse Code
i hear a serpent slither
and with tongue
in the same sentence of yellow
eye ammonia the scent
like bad Body Odor...
Odis... Ottis...
she is messaging me after crying
into my ear
and i didn't fly away
i stood my ground
didn't i?
so my flight to wage war of ideas
with the Polynesians
in Hawaii...
i played her some Nordic Pagan Music...

joshua dubois:
i'll be working ring side on this boxing match
i want to say a long goodbye
a long farewell
i want to be the angel that bowed
and said thank you:
now of a woman:
and how i will not write as much
how i will change my style
how i will hide myself in you on the focus
of maxim or anecdote....
maybe an aphorism...
like this is second tier *******
this is what women can be to men
and this is what men can be to themselves
and to other men...
i didn't crucify christ:
i just ****** on the sacrilege of the pinacle
of the cross:
i'd rather imagine a tired,
old, Wolverine esque anti-hero Christ
******* into a liver
with a bladder bag
imaginary second fathers
in a ******* wheelchair you ****!
i'm not mocking your faith!
i'm ******* arming it!
i'm the Wade Wilson *** Wolverine
i know i'm a ******* fake
but that still doesn't imply i can't act
in Good Faith...
that i can't have the capacity to double-think
anti-Orwellian new Jesus ******* bible:
**** me...
i love you... but this ******* therapy
session is soma hallucinations insomnia
******* blah blah
the sky is grey, it's England:
get used to it...
concept of non-doing: to better aid any variation
of being:
death is tranquil and a duck in a garden
you threw,
so many, ******* insults, at me...
i don't even know where to begin
by beginning thus:
Alexander, but there are so many red flags about her...
Matthew: time to play snakes without ladders...
you have the house, the assets...
she is a poor american girl:
allow yourself to acknowledge that
since she wants you to acknowledge her
acknowledgment of what needs to be firmly
bound to: know...
not do, not be: to: know...
i see this Edie: don't jug the snorkel of trying
to talk while you sleep...
there's a fixation on the membrane that doesn't
allow you to night walk...
you snore because you want to wake up
and meditate in a state of Alzheimer's Mushroom
chemistry... ongoing...
you snore because you are talking
to me...
i hear ghosts in your snore
and demons
and Morse
you are sleeping and talking
click click click click lick lick
you think it's just ***
no *** is pivot
touch is also more than just a fixation:
if only Freud had the patience...
if psychonalaysis would extend
into the realm of someone falling
asleep in your presence...
a slow version clove: anesthetic...
subjective anaesthetic...
****... can't rewind it's not music: just her snoring...
getting excess phlegm i need to hark out
while snogging her lips and eating her
oysters... of the one and holy ****...
sorry... what?!

when she giggles through her snores...
trumpets! trumpets! trumpets!

— The End —